Posts by Arlene Braganza
More Zeal, Less Fear
We are well into the Acts of the Apostles, hearing about the apostles going out and proclaiming the Gospel based on their firsthand experiences with Jesus Christ. They were filled with zeal for the Lord, and unafraid of the authorities, especially after they saw the risen Jesus and saw the wounds in his hands, feet,…
Read MoreBelieving With or Without Seeing
“I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord; Whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will never die” This is today’s verse before the Gospel. It is the ultimate assurance from God, that we will be saved if we believe and trust in Him completely. Today’s long gospel narrates the story of…
Read MoreTemptation
Temptations!! They’re all around us! Just when you go on a diet, all the ads on TV will show nothing but visuals of mouth-watering food! Today is the first Sunday of Lent, a time for fasting and abstinence. Most people I know, myself included, usually give up something for Lent (chocolate and alcohol are common…
Read MoreStand Up for Truth
In this day and age, it is sometimes difficult to stand up and acknowledge being a Christian. It seems radical forces have taken over the culture, and distorted reality. When one of good moral standing speaks the truth, it is often shouted down or ridiculed, causing one to be “canceled”. In all of today’s readings,…
Read MorePersist
Are you ready to be a martyr? I certainly am not. To be a martyr is to die for the faith, and I’m too chicken-hearted for that. I hope to fall asleep and wake up in Heaven. Today is the Feast of St. Stephen, the first martyr, who was fearless in proclaiming the Word of…
Read MoreThe Prize
Eyes on the prize!! Keep your eyes on the prize! What is the prize, you say? Well, the prize could be different things for different people. For some people, the “prize” might be a goal they’re trying to accomplish. For others, it might be the ideal weight they wish to achieve. Yet others, it might…
Read MoreB-I-B-L-E
Today’s Gospel reading is very powerful – it talks about the final judgment. Not THE FINAL JUDGMENT which is at the end of the world, but our own final judgment – when we die and come face to face with God. The word “death” is not explicitly mentioned in the Gospel. Rather, St. Luke relates…
Read MoreThe Faith of Job
Today’s first reading and Gospel both remind me of the frailties of the human person, and how completely dependent we are upon the grace of God. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have the faith of Job? Here he was, richly blessed with his family and his livestock and many possessions. And in a crazy deal…
Read MoreWisdom
Today’s Scripture readings have interesting views on wisdom versus foolishness and the dichotomy between these two opposites. St. Paul says, in his letter to the Corinthians, that “the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” Hold Fast to…
Read MoreHoly Grandparents
Today we celebrate a very special day for grandparents. It is the Memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I wonder if they realized what a special child they had, since Mary was born without the stain of original sin? The Gospels of Matthew and Luke provide a detailed genealogy…
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