Let us Return to the Lord!

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

Today we celebrate Ash Wednesday. With today’s liturgy, the universal Church starts, once again, the journey of Lent. I must admit that, growing up, Lent for me was just a season in which we were supposed to give something up (like chocolates, sweets, pastries, or something like that), make sacrifices and penance and abstain from…

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The Lord Correct Us Out of Love!

June and the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

When I was a kid, I received a lot of corrections from my parents, especially from my mother. Evidently, I did not like to be corrected or to be told “no”. I remember that one time (I must have been seven or eight years old), after receiving a strong correction (I do not remember what…

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Walking in the Light of Christ!

Even if it was arduous, laborious, and even painful, I learnt a lot of lessons for my life during the process of drafting my doctoral thesis. There was a moment in which I was completely stuck, and I did not see any light at the end of the tunnel. I felt that I had no…

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Building our Lives on Solid Rock!

I am originally from Panama, and there is nothing more important for the economy of my country than the famous Panama Canal. To build the Canal, it was necessary to cut through the whole country, in order to create a waterway that would connect the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. When they started excavating,…

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The Way to Christ, is a Way of Descent!

Christ Our King Posted By Cheryl J

Very early on in life, I learnt that, in this world, only those who make it to the top are the ones who are praised, respected and remembered. When I realized that this was the way to make it in this world, I competed to excel in everything: academics, sports, popularity. I did not always…

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After a Storm Comes a Calm

In Spanish, we have a saying that goes: “Después de la tempestad, viene la calma.” Translated, this saying states that, “After a storm comes a calm.” We use this saying to console or to encourage a person who is going through a rough moment in life, inviting them to see that after a time of…

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The Lord Always Knows Better!

I do not know about you, but growing up I thought that I knew better than anybody. When I had to do something, I worked out a plan or I decided a course of action, and I was convinced that they were the absolute best. Indeed, it was always hard for me to consider an…

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When We Are in Need; God Provides!

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

From a very young age, I remember my mom often saying: God will provide! We were not poor,but there were moments in which things were tight at home. There were also moments in whichwe had to face situations of sickness, family problems and other events in which things lookeddifficult and uncertain. Nevertheless, whatever the need…

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Follow Me!

Understanding the Call of Matthew: God's Love in Action

The call of Matthew has always been one of my favourite gospel passages. I am always consoled when I read the story of this man whom God saw, loved, and called to follow Him and to be one of His own. The passage is striking because it shows the simplicity of Jesus’ call. Indeed, the…

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