The Greatest

Embracing Childlike Wonder: Like Little Child

There was always rivalry between my brother and me. It made me sad to hurt him, but it had become a habit by the time we were grown men. Perhaps I was alone for too long. There was a point in my childhood when it seemed to me that my mother had become distant. She…

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The Good Shepherd

I am a shepherd, and I am not part of the company of men. When I go to the marketplace, I know people look away from my stained feet and rough sandals. The smell of the sheep is always on me, and my hands are cracked like dry leather. I live in the outside, beyond…

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… before Abraham ever was, I Am

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

Generation After Generation: I longed to be a part of the story, to take my place among the men, beside my father as a child of Abraham. I knew our people were different, they were beloved of the Lord, bound to Him forever. He gave us the land and He gave us children. The land…

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Something Greater Than Solomon

A Difficult Crowd: We were a great crowd, that day, gathering to see Jesus. There was talk of signs and wonders and there were some there who mocked and challenged him to test what a miracle worker he was and to see what was on offer for them. Then he turned and spoke directly to…

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At Once

Peter speaks: You ask me, was it really ‘at once?’ As I told the story to Mark, it seemed to me that what happened then, and in the ensuing months, was just a moment in time. I could hardly draw breath to recite the details, as if they would disappear and no one would know…

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Mary Visits Elizabeth

Elizabeth recalls. I had almost finished my weeping, through all the years of waiting. I held my sisters’ babes in my arms and nursed the little ones through restless nights, always ready to take my turn with the children. But month by month, year by year, I came to expect only disappointment, as the Good…

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Sycamore and Savior

I loved my house in Jericho. I loved it but I did not love my life. I would creep home from my daily work, wash, and walk alone into the shade of my garden. I had no family to welcome me. My table was spread with the best food and fine cups, but I rarely…

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Peter speaks …

After Our Lord healed that poor man who sat at the Gate Beautiful, through the ministry of John and I, the crowds gathered. More and more people clustered around us. It was only a matter of time before the authorities arrived. We knew this, but nothing would have closed my mouth that day. We held…

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Follow Me: Feast of St Matthew

I could not bear the idea of standing idle in the marketplace, waiting for a man to hire me, waiting all day until the sun set on my hopes. Even so, this was the worst work a man could have. I used to think that it would be better to be wounded, or sick, than…

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The Rich Young Man

It is dark now and I limp slowly home, tears stinging my eyes. I will share my grief with the one who shares my home, my orphan sister. Oh, my sister, what have I done? Dear little sister, listen while I tell you this story… My heart aches and my body is torn in grief…

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