A Loving Father

Moving Towards a Supportive Humanity

The Gospel for today is from Luke 15. As I prepare this reflection, I sit with great awe and gratitude at the Lord’s Providence. Through my full-time ministry work, I get to facilitate a Catholic student leadership group using the program Evangelical Catholic. We are around week five of the program, titled “The Ninety-Nine and…

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Saint Peter

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

Today we recall the Feast of the Chair of St Peter. In our first reading today, St Peter emphasizes the need for the people of God to tend to the flock, the universal Church. This exhortation by St Peter gives us beautiful imagery for our reflection. We can consider Jesus willingly and eagerly giving his…

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Spotless Victim

The Lost and Found Posted By Tristan Evans

Today I reflect on the second reading from Hebrews and the invitation the Lord presents to us. Our Lord came as the ultimate sacrifice. He came as a blameless, spotless victim who offered his life out of love and for our salvation. From the very moment God breathed his breath into man, He prepared and…

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Memorial of St. Cecilia

Criteria for love

The Gospel reading today brings me to reflect on the universal calling and the Mystical Body of Christ- one body with many individual parts as He intended (1 Cor. 12). The Church is what Christ instituted on the Cross. He gave Himself to the entirety of humanity. The gift of His life is offered and…

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Voice and Actions

Challenges to a Mission By Sister Veronica Schueler, F.S.E.

Readings from the Optional Memorial of St John Paul II “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings glad tidings, announcing peace, bearing good news, announcing salvation, and saying to Zion, “Your God is King!” For today, this scripture from Isaiah reminds me of God’s glory and presence that is for…

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Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

But they did not understand the saying, and they were afraid to question him. Mark 9:32 Understanding our faith can be complex! I would hope that I am not just speaking for myself. During my years of college, I wrestled with the teachings of the Catholic Church among many other trends. In the Gospel today,…

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Hail Holy Queen

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

He dispatched his servants to summon the invited guests to the feast, but they refused to come. Mary was raised and formed in the temple. Her faithful upbringing and time spent therecultivated in her a preparedness for her vocation. Our Heavenly Father worked, in all hismajesty, from the beginning of time, to make Mary the…

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St. Mary Magdalene

St. Mary Magdalene

The National Eucharistic Congress just took place over the past several days here in the United States. As some might know, it is the first congress happening in 83 years! Although I am not able to attend, I look forward to hearing about the outpouring of graces and fruits from this monumental time of revival.…

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Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart

In our church traditions, we honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Heart of Jesus is unbound and ever flowing with love for creation. To me, our Church’s monthly devotions direct my spiritual life. They allow me to take on new understandings of what our Fathers and Councils outlined in the decades and centuries before.…

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