The Meeting on The Way

Most of the time in life, it is not all about speed or how fast we are, but about being properly guided. One would question the rationale behind the stopping of the Israelites to set up tents of meeting in the desert. Could it not have been a moment to acquire more miles in their journey to the promised land? However, one may still be fast and not attain the goal. This is why it is important to be properly guided.

Proper Direction

The secret of a successful journey lies in proper direction. On their way to the promised land, the Israelites built a tent of meeting. The aim was to seek direction from God. The Israelites understood God as the initiator of their journey. He instructed Moses to lead them out of Egypt into the Promised Land (Exod. 3:10). Since God is the initiator of their journey, it becomes necessary to consult him often, about the journey.

Moreover, having been saved from slavery in Egypt, they still have a long journey before them on their way to the promised land. It is a journey full of temptations, anxieties and difficult moments.

Not only was it necessary for the Israelites to rest on their journey to the Promised Land, it was rather pertinent. They needed to tell God how far they had gone and their difficulties and challenges on the way. The prayer of Moses today shows that he understood the importance of this meeting. Apart from reestablishing the relationship between God and his people (effected through the forgiveness of their sins and assurance of his presence on the way), the meeting helped Moses handle the affairs of the people entrusted to his care. Moses would not be content until God was intimately present in his own life. And in the lives of the people he was called to lead.

Pilgrims and Tent of Meeting

As the new Israel, we understand ourselves as a pilgrim people. Our journey initiated with our baptism. On our way, it remains essential to always consult with God, the Author and the End of our journey. As a community of Christ’s faithful, the Sunday and weekday Masses offer us this opportunity to consult with God. Thanks to the Second Vatican Council, the communal aspect at the Eucharistic Sacrifice has been strengthened. More attention to the sacred, sacrifice is also called.

However, some people complain about how difficult it is for them to concentrate. And converse with God personally, as they did formerly. To continue to enjoy this personal encounter with God, it is necessary to prepare well before the Eucharistic sacrifice. Look at the readings before the Mass and be there on time. When our minds are already set on the Lord, the possibility of feeling his touch in our situation either during the reading of the Word of God or at the table of Eucharist remains high.

Apart from the church premises, we could meet with God in our own tent of meeting at our own fixed times. Talk to him face to face, as we do with our friends, family members and mentors. In this tent of meeting, God guides us and prepares us for what is to come and we express our dependence on him. When we pitch a tent for the lord in our home, or workplace, the chances of our suffering from fatigue, depression, anxiety, loss of purpose, loss of hope and disorientation is reduced, (because God shares our lives with us).

May our tents of meeting grant us stability along the way and may it strengthen us to work untiringly till the end.

[Readings: Ex 33:7-11; Ps 34:5b-9, 28; 103:6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13; Mt 13:36-43]

Fr. John Opara

Fr. John Opara is an associate pastor at St. Johannes Lette Coesfeld, Germany. He has a doctorate degree in Sacred Liturgy and is a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Orlu in Nigeria. Email: [email protected].


  1. Deborah van Kroonenburg on July 28, 2021 at 10:51 pm

    Thank you for reminding us to go to our tent of meeting, to prepare before we go and to stop and consult with God regularly throughout our daily lives. My work has no value unless I do.

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