The Fulfillment of the Law

My dear friends, the readings today are very inspiring. Moses in the first reading instructs the people of Israel to observe the laws and commandments of God. He assured them that the observance of the laws would give them life and the strength to enter and take possession of the land God is giving them. Besides, it would distinguish them from any other nation and mark them as people who are close to their God.

The Teachings of Moses

Moses, in the book of Exodus, gives the ten commandments to the people regarding their relationship with God and their neighbour, but the later were superficially observed. Hence the laws: ‘you shall not murder; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness against your neighbour’ (Ex 20: 13 -16) etc were challenging to them. They paid much attention to the letters of the law which for them were sacrosanct. They believed that if one does not actually violate any of the laws as written, he or she would remain righteous in the sight of God and in favour with Him.

They completely ignored the spirit of the law, and thus superficially observed them. Besides, for the Jews, it is eye for an eye; tooth for tooth (Mt 5: 38); love those who love you and hate those who hate you (Mt 5: 43). And this had been the tradition until Christ came and started living differently from the ‘normal norms’ of the people. He started to live by the essence of the law and teach his followers to do the same.

The Teachings of Christ

After his sermon on the mountain, Jesus started to teach his disciples the rightful interpretation of the laws of Moses. He modelled his teachings on love of God and neighbour in order to bring out the original meaning and purpose of the laws as desired by God. He affirmed the teaching of Moses on murder while redefining it to include the sin of anger and evil thoughts against the other. He offered a quick reconciliation as a solution to anyone who has anything against his neighbour before he or she makes an offering before the altar (Mt 5:21-25).

Again, he affirmed the commandment of Moses not to commit adultery but adds that if anyone looks at a woman lustfully, he has committed adultery with her. The same also applies to anyone who marries a divorced woman. He taught his disciples the truth about the sin of lust as people can break them in thoughts, hearts, and by imagination even when they are morally valid in their outward conduct.

But God looks far beyond our actions and would like us to be pure in heart and mind by putting away every lustful desire. That is to say that the spirit of the law is more important than the superficial lip service we pay them. Jesus wants us to be sincere in our dealings with each other so that there would be no need of swearing with either the heavens or the earth. He wants us to say, ‘yes’ or ‘No,’ if we mean it; otherwise, anything beyond that comes from the evil one (Mt 5:37).

The Accusation of Jesus

The teachings of Christ are contrary to the understanding of the Jews as far as the commandments are concerned. As such, the pharisees and the religious leaders of the people criticized him and accused him of breaking the tradition of their fathers. And in response to the accusation, Jesus in the gospel today makes it clear that he had not come to abolish the law and the prophets but to complete them (Mt 5:17) for he is the fulfilment of the law.

He then informs them that anyone who infringes even one of the least of the commandments and teaches others to do the same will be considered the least in the kingdom of heaven; but the man who keeps them and teaches them will be considered great in the kingdom of Heaven (Mt 5:19). That is say that the spirit of the law based on the love of God and neighbour is far more important than the letters of the law. And that is the purpose of the law which shall not pass away until it is achieved, as the word of God has decreed.

Peace be with you!

[Readings: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Mt 5:17-19]

Fr. Cyriacus Uzochukwu

Rev Fr Cyriacus Uzochukwu is a priest of the Catholic diocese of Orlu, a former editor of The Forum Newspaper of the diocese and currently the associate pastor of Sacred Heart Church Exeter, Devon, UK.


  1. sis on March 23, 2022 at 10:51 am

    Padre, thank you for your words. I come from a family and a generation were people married for life. I was raised with a mom and dad who loved each other and put up with each other through thick and thin. My mother said that she is happy that she stayed so long with my dad for he became her best friend. In her elder years she suffered from colon problem which was troubling for her but he was there to bath her and care for her. she told me once that she will die before my dad so that she could help him go across the veil which she did. My niece who cared for my dad as he aged and was confined to bed a lot told us that he seem to be talking to someone in the room when she could see no one. I was raised in the Catholic Church even though my dad was not a Catholic and my mom was not a practicing Catholic. but they taught us to love the Faith. I was also raised with the Latin Rite Mass and lost it when Vatican II changed it. I miss it a lot. I also see many people married divorced people and still taking communion like Joe BIden. I know I am judging his behavior and the behavior of the one giving him Communion but what is going on in the Church bothers me a lot. I am thankful for a nuns comment when I was a child. I asked her about a picture she had put up on the wall in class. three Africans hanging on a cross. She told me that they stood by Christ Truth and not convert to Islam when the Arabs enter Africa and tried to force many to do so. they were like the first Christians in Rome. the movie the Robe was very important to me at the time. she tried to help me understand these Christians dying for Christ. She also told me that Africa was a land close to the Middle East and Christianity was there before it came to Europe and even the Americas and that in the future it will be a source of strong men and women for the Church when all seems to fall away from their believes. I see that more and more today. and as I age more and more I Faith in GOD is stronger than in mankind. but people like you help me keep my Faith. I want to rejoice when Christ comes again. I do not want to be afraid.

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