Assurance of Peace to Those Who Trust in God

The first reading of today from the prophecy of Hosea 14:2-10 presents us with a call to repentance, namely, amending what is not straight in one’s life and/or at least taking note of them. The gospel from Matthew 10:16-23 offers us insights on radical trust in divine providence – something that becomes meaningful daily as human beings realize the limits of their physical and material goods. In the two aspects of the readings, I draw a lesson that humility is a mark of true wisdom, and that happiness and fulfilment are the corollary of trusting in God. I invite you to explore these insights with me.

Conversion of Heart as the Assurance of Peace

In the first reading, the Prophet Hosea calls the people of Israel to a spiritual return to God with whom they have made a covenant to be his people and who is their strength. The Prophet explains that the idols we make for ourselves do not possess the salvation that our soul longs for. These idols, in concrete terms are – power, wealth, physical possessions and all earthly realities. These are not evil in themselves. The issue is whether we use or enjoy them for the benefit of others and whether they support us to live a focused life.

Why is that so? Simply put, these are temporal and limited and cannot give us lasting peace and security. True peace and strength are found in trust in God and doing God’s will. God’s promise is that he will heal those who come to him with repentant and sincere heart. He promises to love them freely; his wrath will be turned away from them. They will blossom like the lily and bear rich fruit. The wise find life in doing God’s will but those who do not trust in God stumble and fall. Blessed are they who put their trust in God.

Dependence on God

In the Gospel, Jesus sends his Disciples to mission assuring them that the Spirit will provide them with speech and strength. The mission is described as a precarious venture. It is described as being “like sheep in the midst of wolves.” Therefore, the disciples are enjoined to be “shrewd as serpents and simple as doves.” Wisdom and humility are thus qualities that assure a safe navigation in the world.

More so, trust and dependence in God and the assistance of the Spirit are the means to true wisdom and humility. In depending on God, we recognize that our strength is neither in our power or accomplishment but rather in God. It is equally important to ask the question why our strength depends on God. The reading gives ample evidence. We can depend on God no matter our levels; weak or mighty, poor or rich, whatever our circumstance in life. The reading says that the wise and the prudent will hear these injunctions and keep them at heart. Furthermore, those who are just find the ways of the lord.

True Conversion

The Prophet’s call to repentance and Jesus’ instructions for Wisdom, trust in God and the assistance of the Holy Spirit are important when understood from the perspective of conversion. A Conversion from our ego and pride of wealth that makes us to look down on others. A Conversion from our self-centeredness and worry about our life to living in total dependence on God. Also, a Conversion from exploitation of nature and existence to value for creation, solidarity and sharing the gifts of life with others. Finally, the Word of God calls us to humbly recognize that all is grace so as to place our trust and hope not in our strength but in total self-surrender to the will and love of God. This might be a kind of life each and every one of us must try so as to truly be converted.

[Readings: HOS 14:2-10; MT 10:16-23]

Sr. Olisaemeka Rosemary Okwara

Rev. Sr. Dr. Olisaemeka Okwara is a Catholic nun of the Daughters of Divine Love Congregation. She is a Systematic theologian, a writer, and a researcher at Julius-Maximilians -Universität Würzburg, Germany. Email: [email protected]

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