In the Lord We Find Rest

Every activity has a break time, and every work has a recess. Nothing in life works non-stop, because we exist in a time that never ends, even if we cease to exist. In life we work very hard to have comfort and reap the fruits of our labor. However, each of us has time to rest and sleep after our daily work. Rest time is so important that if we refuse to observe this moment to recharge our batteries, our future production will be negatively affected, and we will eventually crash and be destroyed. That’s why it’s important to remember and observe the time for rest, even if we work hard to complete our daily tasks.

No Stone Unturned

I remember a friend in my high school who was very intelligent and studious. He was a perfectionist who likes to leave no stone unturned. During exams, he made sure he read everything in the syllabus to get the maximum score in each subject. In one exam, he read all night until dawn. He was very prepared to answer every question. But when we entered the exam room for the exam during the day, we noticed that he had fallen asleep at his desk while others were writing the exam. He was very tired to write anything because he was so overloaded and needed rest.

Rest in Jesus

Today’s readings present God as the one who never gets tired or weary, in whom we find rest for our souls. That is why Jesus invites us to come to Him, all those who work and are overburdened, and He will give us rest. However, He commands us to commit something for this rest. We must shoulder His yoke and learn from Him. God’s yoke is a life of righteousness and honesty. We must be honest with ourselves, with others, with our environment, and with God. We must never get bored or tired of doing good in order to have a peaceful soul, because there is a time to rest from doing good.

Therefore, we must trust and learn from Jesus, who never stops doing good. “For those who hope in the Lord renew their strength, they put out wings like eagles. They run and do not grow weary, walk, and never tire” Isaiah 40:31. If He is the Lord of the rest, then we find rest by following in his footsteps.

[Readings: Is 40:25-31; Mt 11:28-30]

Fr. Tony Ohaekwusi

I am a Catholic Priest of Orlu Diocese, Nigeria. I am presently a Ph.D. student of Philosophy, researching on "Religious Terrorism and Moral Blindness" at the Johnpaul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland, where I obtained Master’s Degrees in Philosophy and in European Union Law. I have broad experience and interest in Pastoral Administration, Scriptural Reflection, Spiritual Direction, Moral Philosophy, Critical Analysis and Editing, Youth Coordination, Strategic Studies, Multi-culturalism, Investigative Journalism, and Humanitarian Services.

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