The Other Trinity

Today is the Feast of the Holy Family. This is a perfect opportunity to share a teaching moment from Confirmation classes over the years. The Trinity is something that we talk about and remember with the sign of the cross and the Glory Be. “Trinity” is not mentioned in the Bible, as far as I know, but is part of our Catholic teaching. Our Catholic theology is blessed with the Bible and Tradition. When I ask the class “What is the Holy Trinity?” it is with a high level of certainty that one of the well meaning but uniformed students says “Jesus, Mary and Joseph”. Bonus points for creativity and enthusiasm, but we will go with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit next time, especially when Father Archie asks them at their final “interview” before Confirmation. This magnet, shown in the photo at the top of the reflection, is a reminder, and will certainly turn a few heads if put on a car bumper or quarter panel. Normally the letters would stand for a city or a resort or something.


The other theme that stood out to me in the readings was the use of dreams to communicate with Joseph. Martin Luther King Jr. had a speech called “I Had a Dream” that should be repeated every day in America and around the world. Joseph had at least three dreams. He learns that he should take Mary as his wife despite her pregnancy,. Also, that he should take the holy family to Egypt to escape the wrath of Herod. And another dream to go back to Israel, and make Nazareth his new home. He listened to all three and acted on all three. Power came to Joseph in the night and would explain a Catholic tradition (for some) to put written prayers under a statue of a sleeping Joseph. I also want to take a moment to remind us that, although Joseph is often portrayed as being old, I think that he was not that old. He was certainly in good shape to do all the walking. Bethlehem, Egypt, and back, and to work to support a family.

On this feast of the Holy Family, let us remember the greatness yet simplicity of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. They were a star studded yet humble family. We can be the same.

Remain Blessed.

[Readings: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14; Mt 2:13-15, 19-23]

Paul Verderber

Paul Verderber is a husband, father of two daughters, religious education teacher, fruit and vegetable ingredients salesman, and President of Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc. He holds both Bachelors and Masters degrees in Chemical Engineering, as well as a Masters in Business. He lives outside of Raleigh, North Carolina and is the President of Gratia Vobis Ministries. [email protected]

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