Don’t Worry: Memorial of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin

Today’s Gospel has a different tone. Jesus continues his instructions to his disciples. However, he warns his disciples that as they proclaim his message, they need to be careful. They will be vulnerable, like sheep in the midst of wolves. Thus, they need to be alert and shrewd in their assessment of everyone they encounter. Often, we struggle with the opposition we face when we try to live an honest Christian life, and with the increasing duplicity that surrounds us. So, we do well to listen to Jesus’ words about sheep among wolves, and the need to know how to be both wise and transparent. Jesus knows all this, yet he still sends us to take the Gospel to this difficult world. But he also promises us his assistance: he asks us not to worry!
Times of Persecutions
Jesus also warns them that they may be arrested, scourged, and taken before governors and kings for “his sake.” In these situations, they are to be strong and witness to him. He then consoles them. He tells them that they are not to worry about what to say in response to the authorities. Jesus promises that they will be given the words to say. No matter what happens to them, the Spirit will be with them and speak through them! Commitment to Jesus Christ is long-term. In difficult times his help will be there, and our convictions about him may lead to conflict even with those closest to us. We are compared to sheep – these find their way even among wolves if they follow the shepherd. We keep our eye on the Lord who guides our way.

Can you remember a time in your life you felt persecuted for what you believed? Did you have a sense of Jesus’ presence and grace, strengthening you and instructing you how to respond to this situation? You may not have “heard” Jesus’ voice. However, you may have been amazed at your courage as you responded to the situation as St Kateri did in her moments of pain and suffering. Or unexpected words came from your mouth, and you did not know where they came from.
Not An Easy Path
Following Jesus is not an easy path. Following Jesus means that every day we must consciously choose to be and do what Jesus did. At times, this may bring consequences that we do not expect. However, if we choose to deviate from this path, we must face ourselves and Jesus! St. Kateri, a native American, chose this path that was not easy in any way for her. She incurred the hostility of her tribe because of her faith. She was devoted to the Eucharist, and to Jesus Crucified, and was called the “Lily of the Mohawks.”

[Readings: Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Mt 10:16-23]

Fr. Nnaemeka Paschal Ajuka

Fr. Nnaemeka Paschal Ajuka, PhD., BCC., ACPE Certified Educator Candidate, is a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Umuahia, Nigeria, and a Board-Certified Chaplain with the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC) and National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC). He is a retreat preacher who loves his faith. As a sociologist, he cherishes and operates from the vertical and horizontal relationships with God and neighbor. He takes Saint Francis of Assisi’s prayer for peace “Lord make me an Instrument of Peace,” as his ministry mission statement. He is a care provider who meets human needs without discrimination. He has been actively involved in the pastoral ministry in parishes in Nigeria and in the US. Previously, he was an adjunct lecturer at Seat of Wisdom Major Seminary Umuahia and the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria. Currently, he is a Certified Educator Candidate with the Department of Chaplaincy Services and Education, University of California Health, Davis, Sacramento.


  1. Reginald C Maduako on July 14, 2023 at 1:21 pm

    Fr. Nnaemeka Pascal Ajuka, good job. Nicely written.

    Chima Maduako from Fresno.

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