The Best Time of the Year

Holidays are a time to take a break from the regular routine, relax, and rejuvenate. Whether it’s a short weekend getaway or a longer vacation, taking time off from work or other responsibilities can be essential for our well-being and overall mental health. Whether we find relaxation by lying along the sea shore with a book in the hand or psychological relaxation by embarking on a journey, from one country to another and experiencing different cultures, or whether we find it at home, the important thing is that it offers us the opportunity to do what we like doing most.

Holiday time reduces stress especially when we step away from daily stressors and demands. It thus allows our body and mind to recover. And it allows us to come back with a fresh perspective, and increased creativity and efficiency. It has positive effects on our emotional and psychological well-being, leading to increased happiness and contentment. This is important because we are a composite of body and soul. The two are intrinsically connected to one another.


In the first reading, we hear about the resting of the Israelites on Sinai. In this biblical account, we witness a profound example of how resting and seeking God in prayer can become a holistic source of great strength. At Mount Sinai, Moses, together with the Israelites, experienced a divine encounter. It was a sacred moment of communion with God, where Moses was given the opportunity to draw nearer to the Almighty and receive divine revelations for the people of Israel.

Similarly, our holiday time can be likened to this experience of the Israelites. It offers us a chance to step away from the hustle and bustle of life and create sacred spaces for ourselves and for our God. Sometimes, when a holiday is devoid of the opportunity of having quiet moments with ourselves and with our God, it becomes a source of stress. When we take time off for resting with ourselves and with God, our holidays becomes moments of total refreshment of mind and body, because, it unveils God‘s love, mercy, and grace, helping us align our lives with His perfect will. When our holidays becomes a time to reflect over our lives and over the love of God upon us, it increases our dedication to God, strengthens our faith and our life journey.

Renewed Strength

During their period of rest, Moses and the people of Israel, through persistent prayer, sought God’s guidance and understanding, and they grew in intimacy with the Lord, as well as renewed their strength for the journey ahead. Similarly, prayer is our lifeline to God. During this holiday season, let us not forget our prayer life. Let us not forget to enter a church for quality time in conversation with our God, seeking His will, wisdom, and comfort.

The holiday season must not necessarily be a time of indulgence and leisure. It can also be an opportunity for quiet reflections. By setting aside time to rest, pray, and seek God, we open the door to spiritual growth and psychological and holistic wellbeing. Just as Israelites’ encounter on Mount Sinai transformed their lives, our encounter with God and fellow humans during this holiday season shall lead us to deeper faith and a more profound relationship with God and our neighbors.

[Readings: Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b; Mt 13:10-17]

Fr. John Opara

Fr. John Opara is an associate pastor at St. Johannes Lette Coesfeld, Germany. He has a doctorate degree in Sacred Liturgy and is a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Orlu in Nigeria. Email: [email protected].

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