Evangelization Through Virtue

In the first two verses of 1 Timothy 6, St. Paul tells servants to regard those in authority over them as worthy of all honor so that the name of God may not be defamed. If that person happens to be a believer, all the more reason to serve well. St. Paul is exhorting us to serve others, especially those we do not like, humbly and lovingly so that they may see Christ in us.

“So that the name of God may not be defamed” is strong language that we should meditate on. With every person you encounter, you can either be an aid or a hindrance to their relationship with Christ. A virtuous person has a certain irresistibleness about them that is so appealing. Who does not desire friendships with those who are “righteous, faithful, charitable, patient, and gentle?” Your example could be what Our Lord uses to bring someone to Himself.

A recent beautiful story of the power of good example is of Blessed Carlo Acutis and his mother. Bl. Carlo had such a love for Our Lord as a preschooler and asked his mother to take him often to the Blessed Sacrament. Bl. Carlo’s mother was so inspired by his witness that she enrolled in theology classes and began to practice the faith again.


Another way that the readings exhort us today to bring others to Christ is through generosity. “For the love of money is the root of all evils, and some people in their desire for it have strayed from the faith and have pierced themselves with many pains.” There are many dangers that come with money– power, materialism, greed. The way to fight this danger will both free you from the attachment to money and be a powerful witness of Christ! As Catholics, we are called to give as Our Lord gave. And Our Lord did not give only when convenient or comfortable. Our Lord gave His life on the cross.

We, too, must give radically as our Savior does. This means both financially and with our time. We should be regularly tithing to the Church and giving alms to the poor. Even if you do not have much, imitate the widow from the Gospels and give what you do have with a generous heart. In regard to giving your time, I would encourage you to pick one ministry that you are going to get involved in. It is so important to prioritize giving our time and talents to raise up the Church. In the Gospel for today, who was closest to Our Lord?

Those who gave their lives to Him, those who gave their time to Him, and those who provided for Him materially.

May God give you grace this week to pursue virtue and give generously!

[Readings: 1 Tm 6:2c-12; Lk 8:1-3]

Erin Szurgot


  1. Joanne Huestis-Dalrymple on September 22, 2023 at 4:31 pm

    Beautiful, Erin!

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