Three Ways

The Gospel today has Jesus crossing the sea, and a crowd was already gathered at his expected landing spot. News can travel fast. As Jesus disembarks and walks along the shore, the stage is set for three types of interactions with Jesus during this very eventful visit.

See and Hear Him

Crowds wanted the see and hear this great prophet and miracle worker named Jesus. Some called him the Messiah, or a prophet, or a mad man, and others were not quite sure who he was. However, he was making powerful impressions wherever he went, imparting wisdom, healing them, feeding them, and comforting them. With the power, as well as the goodness, coming from him, the crowds wanted to see and hear him, wherever he went.

Touch His Cloak

The woman with the hemorrhage was in the crowd this day, and she had a plan. She did not necessarily want to see and hear him, for she was too shy or scared. She believed that by simply touching his cloak she would be healed. Unlike the doctors who tried for 12 years, while draining her life savings, it worked! The power of Jesus and her faith in the healing allowed the miracle to happen. Jesus wanted to speak to this person who touched his cloak and received the healing, so she got more than she bargained for.

Physical Touch

Jarius’ daughter was on her death bed, in the last moments of her short earthly life. He asked Jesus to come to his house to heal his daughter. Jesus did this, despite the jeers of the unbelievers in the crowd. Word even preceded Jesus, that the girl was already dead. Upon entering the house, a simple touch and a command, and the little girl was brought back to life.

Our Way

We all have different ways of learning and taking in experiences. Some need to see things, some to hear things, and others to simply experience the moment. I believe the same procedure is true for how we want to have Jesus in our lives.

Find a way that works for you, and he will communicate that way for you. He has many options to choose from. Mary was visited by an angel. Joseph and many others got instructions and experiences in dreams. Others saw miracles like a burning bush, or healing miracles.

Keep your eyes, ears, and heart open, so you can heed the call. Perhaps there are more than three ways to receive it.

[Readings: 2 Sm18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30–19:3; Mk 5:21-43]

Paul Verderber

Paul Verderber is a husband, father of two daughters, religious education teacher, fruit and vegetable ingredients salesman, and President of Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc. He holds both Bachelors and Masters degrees in Chemical Engineering, as well as a Masters in Business. He lives outside of Raleigh, North Carolina and is the President of Gratia Vobis Ministries. [email protected]


  1. Fr paschal on January 30, 2024 at 7:28 am

    Thank you Paul for the spiritual nourishment today. God is your strength.

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