How to Ask God for Things

Today’s Gospel shows beautifully the proper way that we should ask God for things.

“A leper approached, did him homage.”

When asking for something, we should first praise God for His goodness and all the blessings He has given us. We should have the disposition that we expect Him to answer our prayer not because we deserve it, but because we know He is good and He desires to give us good things. God is so pleased with our trust!

“Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.”

Next, the leper presents his petition. He resigns himself to Gods will then asks clearly, simply, and with total faith. This is how we should approach God. First, Lord I want your will because I trust you. Second, ask simply for what you need. Third, have total faith that God can fulfill your request. We must have faith! And we should also have hope that He will grant our request! When the saints asked for things, they believed God would answer!

“I will do it. Be made clean. His leprosy was cleansed immediately.”

While God may not always grant our petition immediately (although have faith and hope that He will!) trust that He hears your prayer and is immediately at work helping you. 

“Offer the gift that Moses prescribed; that will be proof for them.”

We should always be sure to show God our gratitude when He answers our prayers! We should also not be afraid to prudently share the ways that God works in our life with others who would profit from your testimony. God desires His goodness to be shared, and your story of God acting in your life could help someone else’s relationship with Him! 

May God help you to speak simply and with total trust to Him this week. He is our good and loving Father and He wants to answer our prayers and show us His love! 

[Readings for Friday, Week 12: 2 Kings 25:1-12; Matthew 8:1-4]

Erin Szurgot

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