Come to Me and Find Rest

Rest is often elusive in a world that lives from paycheck to paycheck. We chase after jobs, deadlines, ambitions, relationships, and bucket lists, only to find ourselves exhausted and yearning for something more. And yet, nestled within the Scripture is a profound invitation that promises what our souls desperately seek: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

These words of Jesus in Matthew 11:28 are not just a gentle call to the weary; they are a definitive answer to who Jesus is—He is our Sabbath, our ultimate and eternal rest, a comforting refuge for our weary hearts.

Rest in Our Works?

Many people who had witnessed Jesus heard chatters of his works. The disciples of John the Baptist, for example, weary from their master’s suffering in prison, came to Jesus to ask: Are you indeed the Christ?

Their question wasn’t simple curiosity or a mere thirst for knowledge; it was a desperate desire for divine affirmation. It’s akin to thirsting for redemption, tucking our tails in the pain of disappointment or the chaos of being unsettled, and seeking peace at a crossroads.

It could be like living in countries such as my homeland, Nigeria, where you are unsure what the price of food will be the next morning. It could be the worry of a soul seeking peace in a world seeking power or a teenager seeking love and acceptance in a world seeking lust. The question could also be a deeper desire to find ourselves, to know ourselves, and to find within the eternal Sabbath we seek.

Despite our best efforts to find peace in vacations, hobbies, relationships, or even a good night’s sleep, proper rest many times eludes us. As natural seekers, we need answers that are born, not acquired. But what if we’ve been looking in the wrong places or approaching rest in a limiting way?

Jesus as the Personification of Rest

John the Baptist’s disciples provide a case for reflection as their inquiry sets the stage for Jesus’ conversation on rest (Matthew 11:2-24). They, like John, were beginning to be unsure. Why?

Wouldn’t the Messiah take John out of prison and bring justice to Herod? They might have thought this way; I would if I were them.

There is something that seeks understanding in our frustrations. Our immediate needs for security, food, freedom from political and social injustices, and abusive relationships might tend to paint a blurry or truncated picture of God for us. Yes, God is the Savior. But making Him this or that kind of savior makes Him less of God and more of us.

Come to me and find Rest

God is not a kind of savior. He is not this or that kind of savior. On the contrary, God in Christ is the Savior. In other words, other types of saviors draw from Him, who is the Savior, and His outpouring—grace—brings the fullness of life and freedom, not this kind or that kind of life and freedom. For life is His gift, and this gift transcends biology.

As always, Jesus’ answer to the questioning heart is profound, a deep well of wisdom: “Tell John what you see and hear.” Then comes the list of miracles and the garland of redeeming words being communicated to the people thirsting for the Divine Word. Among the words include loving lessons on avoiding doubt and embracing repentance and faith (Matthew 11:7-24).

Jesus’ Relationship with the Father and His Assurance of Rest

Jesus’ invitation to “Come to me” and His claim “I give you rest” is more than an offer. It’s a declaration of His identity and a revelation of His grace, a testament to the boundless love and mercy of our Creator. He reveals in Himself the very identity from the creation, that God, having created, rested from the work. God does not rest because of the work; rest follows acceptance of His will.

What sets Jesus apart from other sources of rest is the surety of His promise, and the life every Word that comes from Him gives. He is Truth. He doesn’t offer rest as a possibility; He guarantees it.

The guaranteed promise is rooted in His divine nature and unwavering commitment to those who come to Him. Unlike the fleeting comforts of this world, the rest Jesus provides is anchored in His unchanging character and boundless love.

When we approach Jesus, we are not just coming to a teacher or a healer. We are not coming to an idea, a concept, or a social movement that guarantees rest. As theologian, Romano Guardini beautifully captures in his The Lord, “God is not a concept, an idea, a feeling, a sociological need. God is real and absolute reality.”

We are coming to the very source of all rest. We are being invited to the inner life of real and absolute reality. He is the Lord and God, our rest.

To read the full version of this reflection, read Fr. Maurice Emelu on Come to Me and Find Rest

Fr. Maurice Emelu

Father Maurice Emelu, Ph.D., is a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Orlu in Nigeria and the Founder of Gratia Vobis Ministries. An assistant professor of communication (digital media) at John Carroll University, USA, Father Maurice is also a theologian, media strategist, and digital media academic whose numerous works appear on television networks such as EWTN. As he likes to describe himself; “I am an African priest passionately in love with Christ and his Church.”

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