The Holy Family Models Family Life

The Church today remembers the children Herod killed in an attempt to kill Jesus. This is such a difficult feast to understand, but it is important to remember that the Church declares that all these children are martyrs and saints in Heaven. Our Lord can turn the most wicked of deeds, the murder of innocent children, into something good. He does this by giving them eternal happiness in Heaven. The innocents that Herod tried to destroy are now happy forever in Heaven.

It is important to note the way the angel of the Lord tells the Holy Family to flee:

“The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. Herod is going to search for the child to destroy him.” Joseph rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed for Egypt.” -Matthew 2:13-14

Family Structure

The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph and told him to flee. This is so important because it shows well the proper family structure God has chosen. Joseph is the head and leader of his family, so it makes sense that the angel would warn him and give him instructions about where he should take his family. Joseph’s response to the angel is the perfect response that all husbands should follow: complete and prompt obedience to God’s will. Husbands, if you want to be able to know God’s voice and respond promptly to Him like St. Joseph, then you must spend time in prayer every day and practice regular acts of penance. St. Joseph was able to have such courage and trust in the face of so much evil because of His relationship with God.


Mary’s response, submission to Joseph, is the response that all wives should have. That does not mean you do not discern God’s will together, or that the wife does not have a say in the direction of the family. A good husband will take into account his wife’s thoughts and wishes and put her needs above his own. But wives should trust that God is going to lead their family through the leadership of their husbands. A life of prayer for wives is also essential so they can learn God’s voice and help their husbands discern the ways in which God is leading them.

This beautiful ideal of Christian family life is only possible through constant prayer, self-denial, and trust. Men want to lead, but they must ultimately be leading the family in the direction God desires, not their own. Women want to be submissive to a man they trust and love. This means following even when the path he chooses is not the way she thinks is best.

Both the husband and wife, while having different roles in family life, are equal in dignity before God. Living out marriage this way is how God intended, and will lead to a happier, more fulfilled family life.

Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, pray for us!

[Readings: 1 Jn 1:5—2:2; Mt 2:13-18]

Erin Szurgot


  1. Jerry DeMelo on December 28, 2024 at 11:23 pm

    I read your reflection today and could not help but note that your thoughts regarding family structure were part of the readings for the Feast of the Holy Family as Sirach and St Paul shared in his Epistle to the Colossians. Thank you for your thoughtful observation that prayer is the tool upon which the family structure must rely for right judgment in accordance with God’s will.

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