Love and Obedience

Why was God pleased with the animal sacrifices required of the Jews in the Old Testament? The first reading today makes clear that these sacrifices do not take away sin. The only sacrifice that cleanses us from sin and opens the doors of Heaven is Our Lord’s death on the cross. The Psalm for today helps us to understand why those initial sacrifices were pleasing to God.

Sacrifice or oblation you wished not, but ears open to obedience you gave me. – Ps 40.

God was not simply pleased in the death of the animals but was pleased with the sacrifice because of their obedience to Him. Love and obedience go together. By obeying God’s commands, we are showing our love for Him.

Today’s Gospel confirms the connection between obedience and love. Whoever does His will is part of His family!

“For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” – Mark 3:35

There are many other Bible verses that express this same message. “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” – John 14:15.

It is important to remember that obeying God’s commands is what will make us happy. God designed us; He knows what fulfills us and will lead to true freedom and happiness! Sin is what truly enslaves us. If someone struggles with gluttony, they feel a compulsion to overeat and must fight against it. Someone who has a virtuous relationship with food is able to choose what to eat without being driven by attachments. God wants to set us free from slavery to sin, follow Him!

St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us!

[Readings: Hebrews 10:1-10; Mark 3:31-35]

Erin Szurgot

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