Recognizing the Signs of God’s Presence

Wisdom is the power to make proper discernment in every situation. The wise person is able to make good judgements and adequate choices in the face of conflicting options. Some situations are very complex, and one easily makes errors of judgement. We meet such situations every day, and we need discernment to discover the great opportunities of new life that each situation opens up to us. God has a way of showing us His saving face in every situation, but we need wisdom to recognize His presence. The liturgical readings of today encourage us to be discerning in all situations.

Interpreting the Signs of the Time

In the Gospel, Jesus rebukes his people for failing to recognize God’s wonderful acts in their presence. For him, their refusal to accept the Messiah sent to them is as a result of their inability to read the signs of the present time. Ironically, they easily read the signs of the weather but fail to interpret the signs of divine presence. This means lack of wisdom. Jesus repeatedly saw his generation as a foolish and crooked generation, as they lacked the required wisdom to recognize the kairos moment that God opened up to them. Interpreting the signs of the times demands attentive listening and openness. God comes to meet us in various forms and at various moments. Often, we find Him where we least expect. That is why we must always have our spiritual eyes and ears wide open.

Living in Harmony with People

In the first reading of the day from Eph 4:1-6, the Apostle Paul admonishes his audience to recognize the greatness of the new life to which they have been called. This means that they must live lives worthy of their call. Often, we tend to forget the nobility of our Christian vocation, and this leads to reckless living. On this point, the letter becomes very interesting and inspiring. Paul calls for proper discernment to understand how radically united we are with one another. We are bound together in one Body and one Spirit, being called to one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God who is Father of all. Therefore, we must live in harmony with one another, bearing with each other in love, unity, and peace.

Such Are the People Who Seek His Face

To recognize God’s presence requires also the readiness to stand in His presence. The Christian life is a call to live daily in the presence of God. The psalmist of today’s Psalm 24 makes it clear that only those with clean hands can stand in the presence of the Lord. This involves being innocent and blameless and living lives worthy of the call. It involves interpreting the signs of the time properly and judging correctly how to respond to every life situation. It involves living in harmony with people and striving every time to maintain the spirit of love that binds the community together. Such truly are the people who seek Him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob.

[Readings: Eph 4:1-6; LK 12:54-59]

Fr. Luke Ijezie

Rev. Fr. Dr. Luke Emehiele Ijezie comes from Amucha in the Imo State of Nigeria. He is a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Orlu, Nigeria, and ordained a priest on 24th September 1988. With a Licentiate and Doctorate in Sacred Scripture (SSL, Biblicum, Rome, 1995, STD, Gregorian University, Rome, 2005), he has since 2006 been a lecturer in Sacred Scripture and Biblical Languages at the Catholic Institute of West Africa (CIWA), Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He is the national secretary of the Catholic Biblical Association of Nigeria (CABAN) and executive member of the Association of African Theologians (ATA), a member of various professional associations, among which are the Catholic Biblical Association of America (CBA) and the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL). He is the author of numerous publications. Contact: Catholic Institute of West Africa (CIWA), Port Harcourt [email protected]

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