No Human Being Must Separate

In today’s Gospel, Our Lord speaks about a very difficult teaching: no divorce. Throughout time this has always been a difficult teaching to accept. We can see this clearly from both the Pharisees and disciples’ questioning of Jesus and reaction to His answers.

Divorce is quite common today, and we have all probably been touched by it in one way or another. Despite this, we still must strive to accept and live out this teaching that is so crucial to the thriving of married couples, children, family life, and society.

“But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.

So, they are no longer two but one flesh.

Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must separate.


God created human nature and marriage. He knows what will ultimately fulfill us and make us happy. Without a lifelong commitment, spouses would never feel at peace, always wondering ‘is this fight the one where they will leave me?’ The discernment too, never ends. Spouses would be wondering in difficult periods, am I supposed to leave? Divorce also creates a lot of instability for children. This is not to say that not having a divorce is easy. God knows well the difficulties that come with this teaching. Despite these difficulties, Christ makes it abundantly clear that divorce is not an option. We should strive to have faith that God will provide grace to the couple to fulfill their marriage vows.

Only Death Dissolves a Marriage

When speaking about this teaching, the first thing people think about is what if there is abuse? The church permits spouses to live apart and obtains a civil divorce for the safety of one spouse or the children. But remarriage is still not possible, even in this demanding situation. This is because despite anything that happens in the marriage, only death can dissolve the marriage bond. This reality lays a heavy burden on the abused spouse, but even in this very difficult situation we must trust that God will provide for and fulfill them in far greater ways than a second marriage would.


Marriage is difficult but also incredibly joyful, fulfilling, and lifegiving. And, since Christ elevated marriage to the level of a Sacrament, there is so much grace available to help us live out holy, healthy, and happy marriages. Turn to Him, make Him the center of your marriage and your marriage will flourish.

Praying the rosary daily as a family too, is also a powerful way to bring peace and stability to your family life.

All you married saints, pray for us!

[Readings: Sirach 6:5-17; Mark 10:1-12]

Erin Szurgot

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