A Greater Hope

Jesus says: “On the day the Son of Man is revealed. On that day, someone who is on the housetop and whose belongings are in the house must not go down to get them, and likewise one in the field must not return to what was left behind. Remember the wife of Lot.” This is…

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At His Feet

The truth of our call to worship God in His Goodness and Beauty is evident in all of creation, and a call to unity is present everywhere. Just think of the good gifts of nature, life, and other humans which we receive throughout our whole life’s journey. As St. Paul says: “Ever since the creation…

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Reverberation of Relational Rejection

One interpretation on the Garden of Eden story regarding Adam’s first sin was that he decided that though he knew he shouldn’t partake of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he did so anyway for fear that by his denial of the fruit, he would experience some form of…

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Reversing the Flow

The Sea of Galilee, which is fed by snowmelt and mountain springs with fresh water, feeds the Jordan River, which flows past the town of Adam down into the Dead Sea (Salt Sea of the Arabah). The word “Galilee” in Hebrew is translated as “roll” or “circle.” It symbolizes new generation and sustained life. It…

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It Can Be Dangerous Out There

There is a fearful desire to be separated from beauty because we see ourselves more clearly in its light. If we have not the fortitude to stand firm in its purifying fire, based in the truth of God’s mercy, we will turn away, or worse, we will attack the conduits and source of the beauty,…

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Hearts Designed For Truth

Yesterday was the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. We are reminded that Jesus’ heart burns as a furnace, inviting all other hearts to cast themselves freely into these flames to be purified in His all-abundant and seeking love. Jesus gives each person His heart with such tenderness and longing, to teach us…

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Human Capacity for Transformation

“We should like to hear you on this some other time.” (Acts 17:32) These words from those Greeks hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ from Paul sadly resonate in my heart. There is a tendency in our hearts, especially after being called out by the truth to act righteously, to say “it’s complicated”, and to…

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Designed for Life

2023 has been a year in which I have encountered, more closely than ever in my life, death. In January, my grandfather died, and this very week, my grandmother died. Death is a thing strange to humans. And despite the fact that everyone on Earth is doomed to die, it is still something which does…

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Love of God Nurtures Our Whole Person

Close shot of the trees branches and leaves

Today’s readings point to the very core of the truth about our humanity, and God’s amazing plan for it. If you were to choose a point within scripture to revisit and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand, these would probably be good candidates: “Return, O Israel, to the LORD, your God; you have…

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