A Conversation on Faith

A Conversation of Faith

This line from the Letter to the Hebrews struck me in a new way today: “All these died in faith. They did not receive what had been promised but saw it and greeted it from afar…” (Hebrew 11:13).  Faith is the theme of today’s reflection. Pastoral ministry exposes a priest to the deepest human struggles.…

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We all want victory, don’t we? We all want to be overcomers. We want to overcome sin, evil, and our weaknesses. We desire victory over our adversaries, too. We simply want to win. Winning feels good. I want you to be assured of this: it is the Lord’s desire for you to be victorious. It…

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Becoming People of Hope: Preparing for the Jubilee

Becoming People of Hope

As we celebrate the Jubilee of Hope, I invite you to consider finding concrete ways to live as people of hope in our daily lives. Today, we start a new year in the Church, a new year of grace. This means every moment of this year—every second, minute, day, and month—is filled with God’s love and…

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Becoming Saints: A Call to Holiness

Becoming Saints: A Call to Holiness Everywhere

Happy All Saints’ Day! This past weekend, I had the privilege of leading a retreat for the deacons and their wives from the Catholic Diocese of Fresno. We enjoyed the peaceful beauty of Three Rivers, California, close to nature, and immersed in deep reflection. It was a special prayer time, heartfelt talks, healing, and warm…

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My Love Story with Saint Theresa of Lisieux

My Love Story with Saint Theresa of Lisieux

As I approach a very special birthday, I decided to revisit some of the books that helped me better understand God’s love. Besides the Bible, the first book on my list is The Story of a Soul by Saint Theresa of Lisieux. There are other books: The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena and True…

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Lesson from the Garden

A Lesson from the Garden

Imagine a garden where every element is a masterpiece. The flowers burst forth in a harmony of vibrant colors, and the trees are adorned with jewels of sweetness. In this paradise, Adam and Eve dwell in perfect harmony with nature and God. They are not bound by rules, but bask in the love and grace…

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The Canaanite Woman and the Eucharistic Mystery

The Canaanite Woman and the Eucharistic Mystery

One of the most misunderstood stories in Jesus’ teachings is the encounter with the Canaanite Woman, found in Matthew 15:21-28. Picture this: a mom’s heart is heavy with the anguish of her sick and dying daughter. She pleads with Jesus to heal her. The scene is tense. Jesus seems to ignore the woman, and His…

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Picture Love with Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Saint Alphonsus Liguori

In a previous year, I shared Saint Alphonsus’s unique contributions to moral theology through his teachings on God’s will and love. Today, I extend that conversation by dwelling on love. Imagine completing a puzzle, only to find a piece missing or discovering a cherished heirloom slightly damaged. It feels incomplete. That’s often how our understanding…

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Come to Me and Find Rest

Come to me and find Rest

Rest is often elusive in a world that lives from paycheck to paycheck. We chase after jobs, deadlines, ambitions, relationships, and bucket lists, only to find ourselves exhausted and yearning for something more. And yet, nestled within the Scripture is a profound invitation that promises what our souls desperately seek: “Come to me, all who…

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