The Messenger and Tradition

Reflecting on the relationship between a messenger and tradition is pertinent to the current state of missionary work. Mark 6:7-13 describes the Lord sending his apostles to bear witness. The essence of being “One Sent”, a messenger, embodies deep-rooted faith, tradition, and a clear sense of purpose and direction. The true might of the messengers’…

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God Bless You: A Conversation on Blessing

As we begin the new year 2024, I pray and wish you God’s blessing. We experience blessings in different forms. They range from the daily small things to the grandeur of God’s presence in our midst. However, have you ever thought about what the concept of blessing means? How can we truly experience God’s blessings…

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God is My Judge

Decorative skeletal image of a beast

I reflect on the biblical prophecy of the beast and its relevance in today’s society, highlighting the various forms it takes. A concerned person shared with me some terrible news about a new ideology that has crept into his organization. It was anything but decent. He explained: They use the holy name in a lurid…

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What, then, does it mean to be a Saint Today?

Cure from Paralysis

In the first and second part of this three-part reflection on being a saint, I introduced the concept of “saints” and the holy. This third part applies the two teachings to the invitation for us to be saints in today’s world. In what ways can we then describe being a saint in today’s world? In…

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What Does It Mean to Be Holy?

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity: God Continues to Guide His Church Today

In the first part of this three-part series titled “A Saint Today,” I delved into the idea that living a saintly life means communion with God. I draw a similar sentiment in the exploration of the concept of holiness. To be sure, the term “holy” has a more complex meaning in the Bible than the…

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A Saint Today

All Saints

What does it mean to be a saint in today’s world? How can we better understand the qualities that make someone saintly? On this special day, when we honor all saints, let’s explore these questions together. Firstly, happy Feast Day to you, a member of the Communion of Saints. May today’s blessings inspire us to…

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Cultivating Christ’s Attitude

The crucifixion is the symbol of Christ's humble attitude and love

As we embark on this spiritual journey, let’s consider a profound question that serves as our compass: How can we internalize and reflect the Scripture’s call to “Have the same attitude that was in Christ Jesus”? How can we walk in Christ’s footsteps, as depicted in Saint Paul’s Letter to the Philippians? These questions form…

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Glorious Sleep: On Death and Dying

Why the Resurrection Matters to Our Faith

The specter of death looms large in our lives. For many, it is an unwelcome guest at the table of our existence. It’s a reality as inevitable as the setting sun, casting long shadows of fear and reminiscence. Death, more certain than the fortunes of nations, is a subject we often tiptoe around, despite its…

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GVM Celebrating 10 Years of Love, Service, and Grace

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc. Logo

As we look back at the 10th anniversary of Gratia Vobis Ministries (GVM), celebrated on August 12th at Saint Michael the Archangel Catholic church in Cary, Diocese of Raleigh, we are filled with gratitude to God for all He has done through us. We remember the call to bring God’s love and grace to all…

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Strengthened by Faith

The Lord, the Good Shepherd takes care of us. A photo illustrating confident and faith in Christ.

In a world where material possessions are often equated with security, faith anchors us with a priceless sense of detachment, trust, and security as we navigate through life’s uncertainties. I apologize writing this reflection rather too late, and also if my thoughts appear a bit disorganized at the moment. As I pen these words, I…

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