Posts by Joanne Huestis-Dalrymple
The Living Bread
Last month our 7th child, sweet Flannery, received her very first Holy Communion. The entire day was nothing short of captivating. Flannery was bursting with joy as she anticipated reception of our Lord and Savior for the first time. I confess, my eyes leaked watching this precious child kneel before the Blessed Sacrament, longing for…
Read MoreRemain in His Love
“As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love.” I do not believe there is a different or better way of saying that. Instead, I will share with you a recent story that gives just a glimpse into His love and faithfulness. Our second daughter has been applying to colleges…
Read MoreToo Tight
Today’s readings are full of valuable lessons, warnings, and instructions. Many of the issues faced in the first century and even before are the same things we battle today. “Save yourself from this corrupt generation.” This line stuck out to me in the first reading. It’s interesting that thousands of years later we are still…
Read MoreRarely Deserved
Today’s gospel reading is one we all know very well. The Prodigal Son. Much has been written about this parable. Which son do you identify with? The older son who is always with his father, doing as he should? Or, the younger son who has strayed from what is good, but eventually seeks forgiveness? I…
Read MoreGift
Back in the beginning of January, after praying to the Holy Spirit, each member of my bible study group picked a word of the year and a saint for the year. My word is gift. I have been thinking a lot about it and recognize everything is a gift. Our sufferings, triumphs, and all that…
Read MorePray and Serve
Todays’ gospel reading has two important themes. The importance of morning prayer and of serving others. Mark’s gospel tells us about Jesus going into the house of Simon and Andrew and healing Simon’s very sick mother-in-law. In the evening, many people gather. “The whole town,” it says. And Jesus continues to heal the sick, many…
Read MoreActions Speak Louder than Words
“Actions Speak Louder than Words.” If I had a dollar for every time my mother said this phrase growing up, we would all be going out for a steak dinner. She said it so often that it is part of me now. One can talk all he likes, but if his actions and behavior do…
Read MoreWhere is Your Heart?
The readings from today make me think of two things. The first is my mom saying, “You can’t take it with you anyway.” The second is the late Father Phil Tighe saying, “You should think about heaven every single day.” Okay, three things, that we were warned nearly 2,000 years ago in 2 John about…
Read MoreGod Sees the Heart
Today’s gospel recounts the story of a Pharisee inviting Jesus to dine with him. The Pharisee is horrified that Jesus neglected to wash hands before the meal. Jesus rebukes the Pharisee, saying “Oh you Pharisees! Although you cleanse the outside of the cup and the dish, inside you are filled with plunder and evil. You…
Read MoreHope
We are very familiar with the parable of the Prodigal Son. And yet, the story presents itself anew every time it is read. Depending on where you are in your life’s journey, something from the text strikes you. For example, if you are a parent of a son or daughter who has strayed, you may…
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