New Creation

We read today that whoever is in Christ is a new creation. But how does that work, and how do we get there? We’ll start with two words: Reconciliation and Lent. Lent and Reconciliation Theoretically, we are using the Lenten Season to grow closer to Christ. We are watching our dietary choices (no pepperoni pizza…

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On The Lampstand

Painting art of jesus holding lighted diva on his hand

I was recently in the hospital for some major surgery, and Praise be to God, things turned out okay . During this serious time, I put extra effort into putting my lamp on the lampstand (like in Mark’s writing of today), to let my light shine. I used Jesus’ name in the proper context, asked…

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How Beautiful Are the Feet

Today we celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Andrew. A remarkable disciple, the first disciple, who put in loads of miles spreading Jesus’ word. He was originally a follower of John the Baptist, but made an excellent choice to follow Jesus, instead. As The Chosen depicted, it was a difficult period for Andrew, but he…

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Honor Your Parents

The reading from Ephesians today has got to be a favorite with Catholic parents around the globe. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your Father and Mother.” This offers a voice of authority to help us with our mission of being parents and raising our kids. Narrow Gate Moving…

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St Jerome

A conversation on virtue

Today we honor and remember St. Jerome. He is best known for translating the Bible into Latin in the late 300s. This version of the Bible was called the Vulgate and became the official Bible for many centuries. He also found strength by often living in seclusion, like a hermit. The Bible is now published…

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Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Today we observe the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Two distinct events are rolled into this special day, to make today significant for Catholics and Christians alike. Tradition says that Roman Emperor Constantine’s mother, St. Helena, discovered the true cross in Jerusalem on this date in 326. It was taken away in an invasion, but…

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Be Prepared

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

There is a children’s group in the United States called the Boy Scouts. I was never a member, but they have a very noble motto. “Be Prepared” they say. Be ready for anything. Mark’s Gospel about the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom to arrive, and the party to start, relates to that motto, for…

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Gains and Losses

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

As we go through life, we all have wins and losses, and we all have gains and setbacks. Some are big,some are small, but we all experience them. What can make a difference in the big picture is whichaspects of life we are winning, and which we are losing. Today’s Gospel addresses this topic. Money…

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