Breakfast & Relationship

A night of futile fishing leaves empty nets and empty hearts. Jesus takes the initiative and meets them in the early morning light. He invites them to eat: ‘Breakfast is ready!’ There is an abundant table ready – of fish, food, love, warmth, and great joy. Here, fractured relationships are healed. The risen Lord now…

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7 or 77?

A Closeup shot of the lent cross branches

Peter’s Inspired Guess on Forgiveness Peter has a high profile in Matthew’s gospel. It is only there that Jesus addresses him as the rock on which he will build his church. It is only in Matthew that we find Peter asking the question, “Lord, how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me?…

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An Unwanted Apostle

Jesus calls the least likely person to follow him by his choice of a tax collector. As a tax collector under the hire of the Roman occupation force, Levi was not permitted to enter a synagogue nor to go up to the temple. He was banished from social contact with faithful, law-abiding Jews. This does…

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Doubt By Fr. Nnaemeka Paschal Ajuka

John the Baptist’s Confusion Of all the things for the greatest prophet to be confused about, John is confused about the identity of the Messiah. He is confused about Christ. Certainly, while in prison, John received reports about what Jesus was saying and doing. Some of it seemed right – the healing and the miracles.…

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That I May See

That I May See By Fr. Nnaemeka Paschal Ajuka

Hoping that sight could be restored to allow him to live a normal life, the blind man at the Jericho gate called out in prayer, “Son of David, have mercy on me!!” If he could get his sight back, he knew it would change things for him and he would again have to work for…

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You Are God’s Choice

At our very center is a gifted dignity deeper than any good that we do, which puts us at ease with God. Ephesians says we have received something like a “down payment” or “first installment” of eternal life, just as a pregnant woman has within her a new life, yet unborn. She has the foretaste…

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The Triumph of the Cross

A Savior Greater Than Moses Moses had, at God’s command, led Israel out of slavery in Egypt. When the people rebelled in the desert, they were punished by fiery serpents that bit them with poisonous venom. Moses intervened on their behalf, making a bronze image of a serpent, placed on a post; those who looked…

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A Bit of a Challenge Today’s Gospel is a bit of a challenge, in two parts. The first part states the passionate desire of Jesus, first in the language of fire and then of baptism. There is a sense of something tremendous about to take place, both destructive and purifying, and a sense of foreboding.…

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Leaving Down Our Load

“Come To Me All You Who Are Weary …” Jesus blamed the religion of his day for burdening people, imposing on them unnecessary demands, and making the Law harder to observe than it should be. He reaches out to people who feel burdened and excluded by all sorts of harsh teaching. And he promises them…

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