Abundant Life: The Wait, the Word, and the Will

This Sunday’s readings have a deeply affirming message to share about the security and peace that are founded on living the Will of God in our lives. It all begins with the WAIT. The Wait To wait for something is to live with a sense of grand expectancy. Both the first reading and the Gospel…

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Entering the Mystery

Wow! Just wow! The Mass readings for today explode with both mystery and victory! If we dive into the Gospel for today, we are amidst Jesus’ Last Supper discourse. Jesus has so much he wants to share before his Passion begins. Let us re-read this passage in this context, so we can feel the intensity…

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Believe in His Mercy!

I would not appreciate being remembered for my greatest weakness; however, that is how we have come to identify Doubting Thomas. I remember about 3 years ago being on my annual retreat and meditating on today’s Gospel passage. I remember thinking at the time something along these lines… This doesn’t make a lot of sense.…

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Whose Side Are You On?

Close shot of a man sitting next to a wooden cross

Some may have a similar memory to me…that of being a child on the playground when teams were being chosen. I recall having some anxiety about which team would choose me (or be willing to have me) since I was not athletically talented. For childhood games and sports, ultimately teams may be somewhat arbitrary as…

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Living in His Holy Will

For as many times as I have heard this Gospel passage, I have been challenged by the same question Jesus poses to his beloved apostles: “But who do you say that I am?” And like the apostles, it is easy to spout off several correct answers, but if we let that question marinate within us,…

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Fasting & Feasting

Fasting and feasting might be considered opposites, but they are also linked in a beautiful way. In today’s Gospel, when questioned, Jesus points this out to the people. Coming out of the Christmas season, no doubt we have plenty of experience with feasting. Not only did we enjoy a wonderful variety of foods, but also…

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Salvation is Coming!

The Greatest Gift By Brett and Taylor Akins

“Observe what is right, do what is just; for my salvation is about to come, my justice, about to be revealed.” -Isaiah 56:1 About to come…About to be revealed… Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? It should! Get excited. This is a call to wake up! Isaiah’s words are a call to take heart and push forward,…

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Investing in the Kingdom

Jesus Christ the King and Judge

I never noticed it before. Just before Jesus tells this parable about the nobleman and his servants, the Gospel writer notes: “Jesus was near Jerusalem, and they thought that the Kingdom of God would appear there immediately.” In fact, Luke seems to imply that it is precisely because of these two factors (Jesus about to…

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Purpose of Prayer

We pray for many people, things, and circumstances, but why do we pray for these needs? Does God not already know them? Do we pray to activate God who might otherwise forget or ignore our needs? Is He unaware of them or their importance to us? No, brothers and sisters, we pray because that is…

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