The Gift of Accompaniment

Each morning when I am in prayer, I ask Jesus to accompany me as I go about my day. I often visualize some key items on my agenda, whether it is a meeting I will attend or a task I must accomplish, and I ask Him to walk with me throughout each. Today’s Gospel challenged…

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Passing Through the Eye of the Needle

Most of us have heard that the Eye of the Needle refers to a short and narrow passageway to enter a city gate in Jerusalem. While a man could fit through the passage, if he were coming with his camel, that was another matter. Camels were often loaded with cargo. In order to get through…

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The Power to Persevere

Our world is in chaos. It has been for quite some time, yet we sense it seems to worsen. How do we persevere despite this division and anguish we see all around? Today’s Gospel offers a beautiful glimpse into the heart of God and to the answer to the question above. The passage begins amidst…

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Our Father: The Perfect Prayer

Our Father: The Perfect Prayer

Hundreds, maybe thousands of beautiful and insightful books, homilies, papal addresses, and gospel reflections have been written about the Our Father prayer! The treasures of this prayer are inexhaustible. It is truly the Perfect Prayer. It contains the keys to becoming a Saint! Each line offers a truth so deep, we cannot ever fully mine…

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Love & Obedience

Love & Obedience

“Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me, I will love him and reveal myself to him.” – Jn 14: 21 “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.” – Jn 14: 23…

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Holy Saturday

Deep Stillness The jeering of the angry crowds The questioning of the authorities The lashing of the scourge The jabbing and shoving of the soldiers The hammering of the nails The sobbing of those witnessing the horror All of it has now passed. There is a deep stillness. Deep quiet and deep stillness. Holy Saturday…

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Approaching God in Prayer

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

Let me begin this reflection by asking myself: · How do I approach daily prayer? · What is the content of my prayer? · What is the disposition of my heart? · Is it routine? A task on my schedule? · Or is it love? Let me be honest with myself, and if I find…

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Desire for Greatness

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

The desire for greatness – while it sounds like a selfish wish or purely worldly pursuit, it is not. It is a holy desire. Each of us, as a son or daughter of God the Father, is created in His image. So, our DNA is encoded for greatness! To be any less means we are…

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Outside Our Comfort Zone

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

As Jesus entered the town of Bethsaida, the people brought him a blind man, and what was the very first thing Jesus did? He took this man “by the hand and led him outside the village” (Mk 8:23). Jesus led him outside what is familiar, outside his comfort zone. Jesus guided him away from this…

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Lessons from Cana

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

When the wine ran short… What an interesting beginning for Jesus’s first recorded miracle! So many of His recorded miracles involve healings—giving sight to those who are blind, hearing to those who are deaf, health to those who are ill, and even life to those who have died. But wine running short? Somehow that doesn’t…

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