The Leaven Within

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

What is the leaven within us? We must be watchful against the pride and hypocrisy that attempts to creep into our hearts. Instead, let us feed the leaven of humility, generosity, authenticity, and above all – love.

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Your words, Lord, are Spirit and Life

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

Picture this as vividly as you can: Joints are where two bones meet. They consist of cartilage and ligaments. These strong fibrous tissues allow bones to move while supporting the body. Within bones, there is marrow, the spongy substance that contains both red blood cells, that carry life-giving oxygen to the lungs, and white blood…

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How Does Christ Act in My Life?

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

In this 3rd week of Advent, it is easy to begin to give in to the hustle and bustle of the season. Christmas is less than 10 days away. How have I lived Advent? Has my prayer increased or decreased? Those Advent resolutions made in earnest about being more recollected during this holy season can…

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In Need of Healing?

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

I have struggled with anxiety for most of the 50 years of my life, truly since I was a child. It’s always been there. I’ve gone through periods where I beg God to heal me and then sort of give up. At times, I have wondered if I were not worthy of this healing. Maybe…

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