Posts by D'Souza Family
Silent Knight
Today’s Saint ranks above all other saints but one, a shade below his bride, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Yet, the gospels have only the briefest of passing references to this great man, deemed worthy to be the foster father of the Son of God, the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Patriarch of…
Read MoreOpening Act
In today’s Gospel, we see how sight is restored to a blind man. The healing is gradual. This is how the disciples of Christ and we their descendants in the faith learn. Gradually. Slowly. Painstakingly. With the passage of time and dint of effort, faith grows, and our spiritual vision is sharpened. But only if…
Read MoreFilled To the Brim
On the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, we’re presented with a banquet of rich offerings. Let us receive these treasures and allow them to sink into the depths of our soul. For Our God delights in us, even though we may struggle to come to terms with a fact so astounding. We are His Beloved,…
Read MoreAmen! Help Our Unbelief!
Today we meet two couples – faithful, upright but sans offspring, and they live in an age where childlessness is a curse. Angelic messengers bring tidings of great joy: the promise of a son which fulfills their fondest dreams. As we look at these paragons of the past, we too seek parallels in our own…
Read MoreTo Seek and To Save
The readings for today exhort us to persevere in striving for holiness, remaining watchful and being faithful. In the gospel, Zacchaeus’s seeking is matched by Jesus’s own quest for wandering souls with the aim of bringing them back to the fold. For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was…
Read MoreGreat Heart
In today’s selection from his letter to the Ephesians, St. Paul elaborates on his theme of The Church as Christ’s Body. He prays that the “eyes of our hearts” may be enlightened to grow in knowledge of God and the hope that belongs to His call, to bask in the “riches of glory” that comes…
Read MoreOf First Importance
Today’s readings remind us of the need for reminders. Saint Paul summarizes the kerygma in his letter to the Corinthians: Christ suffered and died for our sins, rose from the dead, purchasing our salvation and freeing us from the clutches of Satan. He reminds us to hold fast to this salvific message of the Gospel…
Read MoreGive It All You’ve Got
The Rich Young Man asks this of Jesus: What good must I do to gain eternal life? It’sthe question of questions and we all want to know the answer. Jesus offers theCommandments and having kept these one and all, the wealthy youth pressesfurther, seeking perfection. Jesus’ answer sees him walk away sad, for he had…
Read MoreDays Of Our Lives
What would you do if 5500 days were added to your life? King Hezekiah is granted a 15-year extension to his life, and he responds with a magnificent hymn of gratitude and thanksgiving. The apostles face the wrath of the persnickety Pharisees, but Our Lord defends them while reminding them and us that we should…
Read MoreProphetic Succession
Today we are regaled by a tale of prophetic succession that has no little significance for us, we too are anointed as prophets from the moment of our baptism. Elijah invites his protégé Elisha to ask him for a parting gift just before his departure and Elisha boldly asks for a double portion of his…
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