The Greatest of These Is Love

Ezekiel presents the awe-inspiring spectacle of a vast army, “rising on stepping-stones of their dead selves to higher things” to quote my favorite humorist, Pelham Grenville Wodehouse. And our Lord is asked to choose the greatest commandment and gives us a loving response. Thank you, dear reader, for joining me on a reflective stroll through…

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Kinship With the King

Aren’t we the lucky ones? It is patently obvious to the meanest observer that we deserve the brunt of Our Lord’s wrath and blazing anger. And equally is it apparent that Divine Justice demands we be doomed forever in the bottomless abyss for our many sins that are brighter than crimson with our guilt writ…

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Holding Fast To The Mass

Holding Fast To The Mass

June is quite the month. On consecutive Sundays, we’ve celebrated the Feasts of Pentecost, Most Holy Trinity and today, the Most Holy Body and Blood. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! At the institution of the Eucharist, Jesus enjoins us: “This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.…

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Remaining In the Father’s Love

Today’s gospel may be brief in terms of word count, but one cannot plumb its depths, not if one had a million lifetimes. Because the subject of the day is the love of the Father and the love of the Son, and where the Two are, the Third is also, for the Trinity is quite…

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Magdalene’s Quest

Today, during the octave of Easter, we get a close look at St. Mary Magdalene and her deep abiding love for Jesus. May our grief turn into joy as it did for this apostle to the apostles, and like her, may we run with glad feet to spread the good news to all we meet,…

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Promises, Promises, Promises

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

Today’s readings present three patriarchs of the faith to us: Abraham, David, and Joseph. And to each, God makes and fulfills His promises in ways that are marvelous, mysterious, and almighty. In fact, God makes more than promises, he forges covenants. It requires swearing an oath that each side would uphold their end of the…

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Temple of the King

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

Today’s scripture readings warn about the need for taming our tongues, of praying to God to preserve us from an evil generation and ends with the Transfiguration of the Lord. You and I, we are on a pilgrimage up the steep mountain that leads to our final destination. Let us then pray to the Lord…

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Light from Light

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

In his light, we see light. We’ve been hearing that in church of late. And in our Gospel reading, Jesus asks the rhetorical question: Is a lamp brought in to be placed under a bushel basket or under a bed? The obvious answer is No. But on closer reflection, is that not what we tend…

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Deliver Us From Evil

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

Our lives follow a steady rhythm of good times and bad times – when was the last time you recall an unbroken, continuing, unending stretch of peace and unmitigated happiness? Reality quickly shows us that such utopian bliss will never be our lot on this side of the vale. God comes to “afflict” us in…

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Hearts That Ponder, Go Yonder Beyonder

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

In today’s gospel, we see the enactment of the second joyful mystery. Our Lady visits her cousin Elizabeth, whose response is beautifully captured in the Ave Maria: Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Angelic Messengers Consider the angelic messengers, those supernatural creatures tasked by God with a…

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