Posts by Fr. Cyriacus Uzochukwu
The Urgency of Repentance
‘For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? Or what shall a man give in return for his life? (Mt 16:26). Introduction Ordinarily, one works hard to protect and preserve whatever one cherishes. We always keep eye on the things we love to make sure they…
Read MoreServing Like Christ and Making a Difference
The liturgy of the word today is reflecting the hard teaching of Christ on love and care; the adjustments and efforts we must make to qualify as his authentic disciples. David in the first reading demonstrated his loving kindness to Saul. He was gentle and respectful to Saul who exceedingly hated him and was after…
Read MoreThe Power of Christ
When the Spirit of God leads one, it is easy for those around them to feel and recognize it. They would always discern and recognize that there is something special and different in the life of the person. That was how it was evident in the ministry and life of Christ amidst his people. The…
Read MoreThe Good News of the Birth of John the Baptist
My dear friends, we hardly get good news these days. When we turn on our television or visit any of our social media platforms, it is almost the same. The media are commercialized. It is more of business and commercial news, adverts, negative influences and influencers, online abuses, criticisms, attacks, relative interpretation of views and…
Read MoreMarriage: Not the Way of the Resurrection
From time immemorial, the reproduction of likes is the ordered nature of beings as God created them, male and female. He made them, and they come together to produce their offspring according to their distinct species. Man and woman, being rational beings unlike others, do this in a very respectable, equal, covenantal and committed way…
Read MoreWarned in Advance
The gospel reading today is a forewarning by a loving Father to his children so that we will be fully ready to avoid any future danger. The reading reminds me of the story my grandmother would tell of the tale of a wise tortoise who gathered his three children and asked them: “How many times…
Read MoreThe Virtuous Man Lives On
Often at eulogies, we hear families and friends express how lovely their beloved ones had been before passing on. They share those experiences as legacies they remember about the deceased, and that would always be evergreen in their memory. The peculiar qualities, characteristics, and good deeds the person is known for always flash to mind…
Read MoreQuestioning of the Greatest Law
Rules are made for order and discipline. It is to avoid inequality of any kind. Where thereis rule of law, there is equity, justice, and respect for one another. The law keepseveryone in check and the goal is for peace and harmony in the community. Suchserenity or tranquility is what God wanted to instill in…
Read MoreOur Relationship with Christ
My dear friends, today is the feast of St. Brigid of Sweden. Today’s gospel sees Jesus speaking metaphorically to his disciples. His words remind me of an African proverb which says that if a lizard departs from the tree of her habitat, little children will roughly mangle her. That is to say that the tree…
Read MoreEven the Wind and the Sea Obey Him
They cried to the Lord in their need, and he rescued them from their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper: All the waves of the sea were hushed (Ps 106:28-29) The gospel is very interesting. It explains human anxieties, fears, worries and other mental health crises associated with our being, which often play…
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