God’s Plan and Human Cooperation

Jesus family with flower pot and bird carving on white wall

God always has great plans for us His creatures. In the accomplishment of these plans, He usually invites us to cooperate with Him. The interesting thing is that He never comes with force but invites us with great arguments and persuasive words. We find all these played out in the readings of today’s solemn feast…

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Serving God with Trustful Openness

Making the right decision

The best approach to God is that of complete openness and docility to learn and to accept all from Him. The psalmist of Psalm 139 says it aptly: “O Lord, you search me, and you know me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from far away.…

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The Lord Has Comforted His People

Inspirations Light in a World of Darkness

One of the greatest songs of Advent, which tells all about Christmas is the song: “O come o come Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here, Until the Son of God appear.” The wordings of the song go back to a Latin form in the medieval ages, but its present form…

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Conditions for Entering God’s Presence

Ascension Thursday Reflection

The Christian religion presents the greatest aspiration of the human person as that of seeing the face of God. This is called the beatific vision. It is the summum bonum (the highest good). The Psalmist of Psalm 42:2 cries out: “My soul thirsts for God, the living God, when can I enter and see the…

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Recognizing the Signs of God’s Presence

Wisdom is the power to make proper discernment in every situation. The wise person is able to make good judgements and adequate choices in the face of conflicting options. Some situations are very complex, and one easily makes errors of judgement. We meet such situations every day, and we need discernment to discover the great…

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Living with Self-Contentment

Self-contentment is a special virtue that inclines one to be satisfied with whatever one has. The contrary is that of never being satisfied but always complaining and endlessly asking for more. Greed and avarice are born of insatiability. It leads to grasping and extortion and self-centeredness. The readings of today invite us to adopt a…

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Following Jesus with Commitment

Jesus started his earthly mission by gathering disciples around him. He always asked them tofollow him. His aim was to groom them properly so that they would be able to follow hisways even when he was not there with them. Christianity is a followership of Jesus. It is areligion of commitment to live totally in…

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What Makes Us Strong

St. James: Lessons in Overcoming Obstacles

A conversation on what we can learn through the life and works of St. James Sometimes we wonder how we succeed in overcoming obstacles and persecutions that ordinarily seem insurmountable. As Christians, we often find ourselves championing noble causes and waging battles that are far beyond our human strength. Knowing our human weakness, we are…

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Trusting in the Power of God’s Presence

God’s Presence

Life is full of distressing situations. The distress becomes very acute when we feel radically incapable of confronting the challenges that face us. Forces that are determined to destroy us often threaten us, but we feel unprepared to overcome them. At such moments, we feel how radically weak we are as mortals and are easily…

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