Posts by Fr. Luke Ijezie
Being Responsible Custodians of God’s Gifts
Life is a gift from God, and everything we have comes from God. This imposes on us the obligation to care for these gifts knowing that we are beneficiaries of divine love. The readings of today remind us that we are God’s servants entrusted with many gifts. We are to give account of how we…
Read MoreMarvellous Experience of Liberation
God is always at work in our lives in ways we can never explain. This is the foundation of genuine Christian spirituality. We never come to realise it until something marvellous happens to us. I can never forget my experience one Sunday afternoon. I was travelling on a lonely road, far from home, and the…
Read MoreBeing Pleasant and Loving
Relating well with people is a powerful virtue. Those who have it spread goodness everywhere because they move about with pleasantness and compassion. Another name for this is love, which is a deep feeling of friendliness and goodwill towards another. All these are captured in the readings of today. Naomi and Ruth as Examples of…
Read MoreSuffering and Joy in Discipleship
Being a Christian is not easy, and more especially in the present age of free thinking. It is a life of suffering and trials. But it still remains the best type of living because it assures the greatest blessings and the best future. Jesus alerts all who follow him that it is a sweet experience…
Read MoreLiving with Confidence in the Midst of Opposition
We are often encouraged to live with courage and confidence. But there are situations when courage becomes a task and confidence evaporates. There is nothing as horrible as one living in the midst of adversaries whose only pleasure is in bringing harm and antagonism. In such a situation, one’s life is always precarious. Fear is…
Read MoreChristian Commitment to Unity
The question of unity is a question that confronts every generation of Christians. Many factors today make unity a real task, as Christians are easily divided on ideological lines and on the basis of other considerations. This internal disunity very much hampers the work of spreading the gospel. The Gospel of today from John 17:20-26…
Read MoreMissionary Work in a Difficult World
The Christian life is a missionary life. Every follower of Christ is literally sent on mission to win every creature for the kingdom. Whether most present-day Christians are conscious of that is another story. But that remains the fact. All the four Gospels end with a post Easter missionary mandate. In Matt 28:19-20, the Risen…
Read MoreGod’s Presence in Our Midst
Usually in moments of great crisis, people run to loved ones or powerful acquaintances for succour. The great tragedy is that of having no one to run to, living with the sense of being abandoned. For many people, the greatest friend and powerful figure to run to for succour is God. The human being remains…
Read MoreResponding to the Call for Repentance
We are confronted daily with the option to change from old ways to new ways in the face of new realities. The Christian life is a new life and entry into it requires a total turning from the old way of living. This is what repentance means. Jesus begins his ministry by calling people to…
Read MoreConversion from Prejudice to New Knowledge
One of the factors responsible for most acts of religious intolerance is the presumed knowledge of God. Most religious people are victims of this presumption. In moments of real encounter with God, one comes to realize how ignorant one was. As the Church celebrates the conversion of the Apostle Paul today, it is good to…
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