Daily Reflections
Today’s first reading features an image that has captured the imagination of many people ever since—Jew, Christian and modern secular alike: Jacob’s ladder. The situation is this: Jacob, having received his father Isaac’s principal blessing, is now on his way to a distant country. He is going to find a…
Read MoreHappy Fourth of July to all of our readers in the United States. This is a day, or even a weekend, to celebrate the birth of our great nation. We were founded under many solid principles, including the freedom to practice our own religion, or choose not to. For this…
Read MoreOn the first day of swim camp, a 9-year-old boy stood with his buddies on the edge of the shallow end of the pool. You could cut the excited air with a knife as the boys awaited their first lesson. Two hours later it was generally agreed that the swim…
Read MoreThe Lord God looks at us with love, mercy, compassion, patience, and confidence. When we look at people, we see height, color, how they speak, behaviors, mannerisms, weaknesses, etc. Does God see our sinfulness? Yes. However, that is not the only factor that decides how He interacts with us. God…
Read MoreI reflect on the need to rediscover the power of intercession in our spiritual and everyday lives. I am always fascinated by the sacrifices soldiers make for each other at the battlefront. They put their lives on the line to bring wounded comrades to safety, often carrying them on their…
Read MoreIn the eighth chapter of Matthew, Jesus performs a series of miracles that definitively attest to his ultimate Lordship. Jesus shows his power over illness by curing a leper, the centurion’s slave and a multitude at Peter’s house. Then, when the boat Jesus and the apostles are traveling in is…
Read MoreSimon speaks He brings us to a pagan place, Caesarea Philippi, and we are tested. It is a place of wild and chilling beauty, haunted by the strange gods and elementals who had inhabited the land forever, horrors who knew the battle was lost, was always lost, but lingered on…
Read MoreSodom and Gomorrah Today’s first reading gives the familiar story of Abraham’s negotiation with God on behalf of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. God’s representatives have just visited Abraham and given him the unexpected news that he and his wife Sarah will have a son within the year. Now…
Read MoreToday’s first reading clearly tells us, “God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living.” (Wis 1:13). Why did death enter the world? Because of sin—the disobedience of our first parents. We are all affected by death—whether it be spiritual or physical, but God…
Read MoreTwo Amazing Scenes Scene 1 – Abraham and Sarah are in their tent in the desert living their normal, monotonous lives. Abraham looks up and sees three strangers. In the Bedouin tradition of hospitality, he is quick to greet them and offer them rest and sustenance. He provides them with…
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