Daily Reflections
One of the most misunderstood stories in Jesus’ teachings is the encounter with the Canaanite Woman, found in Matthew 15:21-28. Picture this: a mom’s heart is heavy with the anguish of her sick and dying daughter. She pleads with Jesus to heal her. The scene is tense. Jesus seems to…
Read MoreJohn the apostle begins his gospel narrative with the mystic expression: “In the beginning wasthe Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in thebeginning” (1:1-2). This is the primordial personality of Christ. He is God in eternity. He is thegreat I…
Read MoreFrom a very young age, I remember my mom often saying: God will provide! We were not poor,but there were moments in which things were tight at home. There were also moments in whichwe had to face situations of sickness, family problems and other events in which things lookeddifficult and…
Read MoreWhat do you hunger for? Whom do you hunger for?The recent National Eucharistic Congress marks the culmination of the past three years ofEucharistic Revival in the U.S. If you have attended the event or begun to view some of the talksfrom the Congress, you likely have been set afire with…
Read MoreDuring the reign of Licinius in the 4th century, forty Christian men refused to offerworship to the pagan gods. As a consequence, the authorities ordered the men to bestripped of their garments and thrown onto a frozen lake to die. Yet, any of thecondemned who denied the Christian faith would…
Read MoreThe struggle to maintain faith is a timeless issue; a universal human problem that even the most ardent Christians (Mark 9:24; John 20:27) can relate to. Throughout history, even during periods of unwavering faith among believers, there have always been those who grapple with unbelief. This challenge is not limited…
Read MoreThis summer I had to go to England twice. The first trip was for a conference on Catholic Priesthood at St. Mary’s University in Twickenham (London). The conference was organized by both the Theology Department of St Mary’s and Ave Maria University (Florida) hosting a great variety of speakers. It…
Read MoreThere were three parts of today’s Gospel that I think are very impactful to meditate with. First, the feeding of the five thousand foreshadows the Eucharist. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states “the miracles of the multiplication of the loaves, when the Lord says the blessing, breaks and distributes…
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