Daily Reflections
Against any who would assert that fasting is not necessary in the New Covenant, we have the clear words of our Lord, “When you fast” and “The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.” It is plain to see from these…
Read MoreThe fate of man is depressing but at the same time impressive. He is subject to corruption and yet a child of immortality. He stands astride the two great divides of mortality and immortality. Man is born into this world at a particular time in history. He knows that he…
Read MoreToday we celebrate Ash Wednesday. With today’s liturgy, the universal Church starts, once again, the journey of Lent. I must admit that, growing up, Lent for me was just a season in which we were supposed to give something up (like chocolates, sweets, pastries, or something like that), make sacrifices…
Read MoreIn today’s Gospel, our Lord is teaching us about Free Will and how we can use it to live a life with God. The Psalm so eloquently says at the end: “from distress you will preserve me; with glad cries of freedom, you will ring me round. Let the just…
Read MoreA number of years ago, a young girl recounted her fascination with ripped jeans. She had her own pair she bought for full price at Target. It baffled her brother as to why someone would go to the store and pay good money for a pair of ripped jeans. “But…
Read MoreOn this eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, just before Lent, the Scripture readings offer us essential tools for preparing our hearts for the season ahead. Among the many themes present, one stands out: transformation—a process we must anticipate and actively pursue. The first reading from Sirach provides a powerful analogy:…
Read MoreLet’s talk about a child. I come from a large family with over two dozen nieces and nephews, numerous uncles and aunts, and more than 50 cousins. Like most priests, I am privileged to participate in the spiritual journeys of families with children in parishes and relationships. Through osmosis and…
Read MoreIn today’s Gospel, Our Lord speaks about a very difficult teaching: no divorce. Throughout time this has always been a difficult teaching to accept. We can see this clearly from both the Pharisees and disciples’ questioning of Jesus and reaction to His answers. Divorce is quite common today, and we…
Read More“Have salt in yourselves and maintain peace with each other” – These words of Jesus carry deep significance. In a world where everything, from food to relationships, can lose their flavor, salt is a powerful symbol of preservation, strength, and transformation. Just as salt preserves food and enhances its taste,…
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