How to Catch Men for Christ

In today’s Gospel, the highlight of the story might seem to be the great shoal of fish which Peter and his colleagues hauled in at the instruction of Jesus. By the end of the story, we begin to see the highlight is actually Jesus’ applying the miracle of catching fish to giving the disciples the means to catch men!

Being a Christian, or a disciple of Christ, means serving God and involves bringing people to the one-fold of Christ. The last chapter of Matthew’s gospel shows that the last command of Christ is to “make disciples of all nations” (Cf Matt 28:19). May I dare to say that the primary goal of every Christian is to be a disciple of Jesus Christ to the point of making other people Disciples of Christ, too.

So, there are two parts to the discipleship calling—becoming a disciple and bringing other (yet to be) disciples to Christ. What does it take to become a disciple? Peter, in the gospel today, should have ignored Jesus’ fishing instructions because he had worked all night in the profession he had mastered, fishing. Yet, Peter understood that his mastery pales in comparison to Christ’s; thus, he exclaimed, “Master…at your words, I will lay down the nets”!

Follow His Instructions

An essential element to becoming a disciple of Christ is to accept the fact that whatever we know is in no way equal to the supreme knowledge of the Master, Jesus Christ. Hence, we should seek to constantly listen, learn, obey/follow His instructions (footsteps) at all times. Christ promises to commune with us, that we live in Him and He in us. Such communion will only happen if we are docile and willing to be taught, guided, and led by the Master Jesus Christ. This is in no way suggesting suspension of our own will. Peter’s response to Christ’s invitation to “let down the nets a little deeper for a catch” shows an awareness of who (Peter) is and what he is capable of, and at the same time an understanding of the superiority of the Master Jesus Christ over his human efforts and professional expertise.

Another important lesson from the gospel comes from Jesus’ immediate response to Peter— “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” Essentially, we will catch men for Christ if we listen to Christ and follow his commands. We do not have the power to convert any person, but Christ does. Peter learned the mission of Christ by being with the Lord and following His commands/instructions. The mission of the Church essentially involves listening to Christ and carrying out the His exact bidding. To address the dire need for discipleship in the Christian faith today, it is important that the Church institute ways to teach people how to listen to the voice of Christ and understand why it is important to always follow His bidding.

[Readings: Col 1: 9-14; Lk 5: 1-11]

Fr. Christian Amah

Fr. Christian Amah is a priest of the Catholic Archdiocese of New York. You can reach him at [email protected].


  1. Annette on January 4, 2023 at 12:54 am

    Excellent article! Follow in Jesus footsteps first, leaving all behind and then He, through His Power enables us to fish for men! Thanks!

  2. Chanele Jackson on September 2, 2021 at 7:05 am

    Thank you for closing the commentary that the it is important that the church institutes ways to teach how to listen to the voice of Christ and how to follow him. This requires individuals to take steps jn creating a personal relationship with Christ. Scriptures, hymns, spiritual books and understandibg how Christ comes to us in the mass and other worship services provides me the information I need to act like Christ.

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