
The word for today is “WISDOM” and what a befitting word for the day. Just a few weeks ago, many youths were emblazoned with the Holy Spirit and His many gifts, wisdom being one of them. Just last Sunday we celebrated Pentecost, the day the Holy Spirit, working through the apostles, was brought forth the Holy Catholic Church. Yes, indeed the young Church and the youth of our Church received the gift of wisdom. What a blessing indeed.

Center Stage

Thus, as we turn to today’s readings, wisdom took center stage. Wisdom is best nurtured during our youth and cultivated throughout our lifetime. The best form of wisdom is the Lord’s precepts that set our feet upon a fruitful path. And we should rejoice in the gift when we are blessed to have it, making difficult things to the haughty seem easy to the common person.

· From my earliest youth, I sought wisdom openly in my prayer; in this way I have profited. (Sirach)

· The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart. (Psalms)

Recognize Truth

Further, the Church teaches us Wisdom is a gift allowing a person to understand things from God’s point of view. In other words, Wisdom allows a person to recognize truth. A person with the Gift of Wisdom can take this truth and use it to glorify God by choosing Godly solutions to problems.

As we navigate the world these days, the gift of Wisdom is sorely needed. We see in the gospel for today that the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders approached the Lord seeking false wisdom and in turn confused their own minds.

Spirit of Wisdom dwell in us! Spirit of Truth set our feet on the sure path!

Saint Charles Lwanga and your Ugandan Martyr Companions, please pray for us! Amen.

[Readings: Sir 51:12 cd-20; Mk 11:27-33]

Tristan Evans

Tristan Evans is a husband, father of a daughter and two sons, past Director of Religious Education, Middle School Youth Minister, and Coordinator of African Ancestry Ministry and Evangelization for the diocese of Raleigh. He is a Master Catechist and currently serves as a Fraternal Insurance Counselor Fellow for the Knights of Columbus. Tristan is also an advocate for catholic entrepreneurship. He resides in Durham, North Carolina. www.bleaf.org

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