Daily Reflections
God always has great plans for us His creatures. In the accomplishment of these plans, He usually invites us to cooperate with Him. The interesting thing is that He never comes with force but invites us with great arguments and persuasive words. We find all these played out in the…
Read MoreThe Ones Who Do Not Deserve It: Our natural tendency in life is to question why we did not get something that another did, and consequently, to judge why we deserve it more than others. In the Gospel today Jesus talks about the ones who “don’t deserve it” getting something:…
Read More‘For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? Or what shall a man give in return for his life? (Mt 16:26). Introduction Ordinarily, one works hard to protect and preserve whatever one cherishes. We always keep eye on the things we…
Read MoreThe Gospel for today is from Luke 15. As I prepare this reflection, I sit with great awe and gratitude at the Lord’s Providence. Through my full-time ministry work, I get to facilitate a Catholic student leadership group using the program Evangelical Catholic. We are around week five of the…
Read MoreThe Prayer of a Pharisee ‘How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? ‘How long will you hide your face from me?’ I am your servant, Lord. I have followed your law all my life. I have kept away from all that is unclean and turned away from impurity.…
Read MoreThe Church is ramping up the call to holiness as we progress through the second full week of Lent. Indeed, today’s readings serve as a spiritual sobriety checkpoint, not only for the liturgical season but also our lives in general. If anyone doubts the prophetic nature of Jeremiah’s words, they…
Read MoreToday’s Saint ranks above all other saints but one, a shade below his bride, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Yet, the gospels have only the briefest of passing references to this great man, deemed worthy to be the foster father of the Son of God, the husband of the Blessed Virgin…
Read MoreLast weekend our priest gave a homily challenging us to focus on the virtue that is the opposite of the sin(s) we commit most. I thought it was a highly creative way of encouraging some deep self-reflection with sound solutions for the problem of sin. Not coincidentally, a couple of…
Read MoreIt is certainly NOT a coincidence that I was assigned the 17th for each month just a few months ago, that I started praying this absolutely epic prayer written by St. Patrick just a few weeks ago, and here we are, March 17, Feast of St. Patrick. I have every…
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