Daily Reflections
Today we recall the Feast of the Chair of St Peter. In our first reading today, St Peter emphasizes the need for the people of God to tend to the flock, the universal Church. This exhortation by St Peter gives us beautiful imagery for our reflection. We can consider Jesus…
Read MorePeter Speaks: I recall a day of foreboding. I see my Lord, see my Messiah, see the way He dies and see the way of the Cross clearly set out before us. At this moment I do not know how to follow Him, but I have to trust Him. He…
Read MoreIn our first reading today, God promises Noah never again to punish the earth with a total flood. For this righteous descendant of Adam, God re-establishes Noah’s dominion over the Earth – over all living creatures, the birds of the air, the animals and reptiles on the ground, and the…
Read MoreIn today’s Gospel, we see how sight is restored to a blind man. The healing is gradual. This is how the disciples of Christ and we their descendants in the faith learn. Gradually. Slowly. Painstakingly. With the passage of time and dint of effort, faith grows, and our spiritual vision…
Read MoreToday’s first reading tells of the story of Noah and the flood that wiped the Earth of all living things aside from Noah and his family and the animals he was told to take. God promised not to destroy the Earth in this way ever again a few chapters later…
Read MoreIt was not until I was forced to read aloud the account of the Fall to my class of first reconciliation students that I realized the Father’s sorrow. He calls for Adam and Eve, “Where are you?” (Gen 3:9) With His broken heart He asks, “What is this you have…
Read MoreToday’s readings offer us an abundance of blessings. In the First Reading, we are given the assurance that when we trust in the Lord, we are truly blessed: “like a tree planted beside the waters,” we will be nurtured and sustained. The Responsorial Psalm echoes this and explains that when…
Read MoreDear brothers and sisters, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). The Sin of Disobedience Sin makes the sinner ashamed and afraid. Of course, the common slogan is “the guilty are afraid.” The sin of Adam and Eve was…
Read MoreMissionaries to the Slavs: Saints Cyril and Methodius were brothers born in 9th-century Thessalonica, in what was then the Byzantine Roman Empire (modern-day Greece). They became Christian missionaries among the Slavic peoples of Moravia and Pannonia (present-day Czech Republic and Hungary). Through their work, they significantly influenced the cultural and…
Read MoreThis second chapter of the Book of Genesis offers us a more intimate and detailed account of creation than the first. Unlike the grand cosmic vision of Genesis 1, Genesis 2 paints a picture of a loving God who forms man from the dust and breathes life into him. At…
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