Daily Reflections
Many Jewish, Christian, and Muslim pilgrims who travel to Israel visit Mt. Carmel, to honor the memory of the greatest Jewish prophet, Elijah, a great prayer warrior. There is a thirty-foot statue of Elijah with his right arm raised holding a sword, with his left foot standing on the neck…
Read MoreIn the gospel of today (Mt 5:17-19), Jesus affirms the enduring validity of the Scriptures: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfil. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not…
Read MoreOur gifts are nothing if they are not used, our wealth is worthless if it doesn’t serve. The value of what we have depends on how we use it, and the value of its use depends on the needs it serves. We often assign value to things because they are…
Read MoreWhile they were going to the mountain, where Abraham would use Isaac his son for a burnt offering to the Lord, the lad asked him, “The fire and wood are here, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering.” Abraham replied to him, “God himself will provide, my son.”…
Read MoreOn this glorious day of Pentecost we celebrate the coming of the great Holy Spirit. On this tremendous day, the object of the first novena in Church history, we consider the Third Person of the Trinity. There is so much truth given to us about the Holy Spirit in our…
Read MoreJesus had done many things, the Apostles had done many things, the Holy Spirit had done many things, and people were amazed. Today we read of Paul being in chains for 2 years, under house arrest by Caesar, yet he continues preaching the Good News. As we read the Bible,…
Read MoreMy brothers and sisters, what an elusive word, love can be. Just think about how easy it is to blurt it out unconsciously. And on other serious occasions when the word is introduced into a conversation, the level of uneasiness or awkwardness it brings forth. Think about it, we can…
Read MoreSt. Paul was arrested, we are told, in the first reading of today and was questioned. His examiners found his supposed crime to be that he believed in the supernatural realities—the Resurrection, angels and saints. He faithfully preached Christ the risen Lord. It happens that belief in the Resurrection aligns…
Read MoreThe famous saying “Knowledge is Power” is attributed to Francis Bacon, a 16th-century English philosopher, and father of empiricism and the scientific method. The correct quote is “for knowledge itself is a power whereby he [God] knoweth” (Meditationes Sacrae,1597.71). It hints at the relationship between divine knowledge and the power to…
Read MoreOh María, Madre mía (Oh Mary, my mother) oh consuelo del mortal: (oh consoler of mortals) amparadme y guiadme (Protect me and guide me) a la patria celestial. (To the heavenly homeland.) Song of Mary This is always the song that we sing after the daily mass when I was…
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