Daily Reflections
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose hope is the Lord. (Jeremiah 17:7). Familiar with this message from the prophet Jeremiah, I typically reflect on it from the perspective that my hope and trust should be in the Lord. This is true, but today I noted that…
Read MoreThe desire for greatness – while it sounds like a selfish wish or purely worldly pursuit, it is not. It is a holy desire. Each of us, as a son or daughter of God the Father, is created in His image. So, our DNA is encoded for greatness! To be…
Read MoreDear brothers and sisters, “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). It is Lenten season. It is the season the Church calls us to reflect deeply on the sufferings, passion, and death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the…
Read MoreBountiful Compassion “Be merciful, just as your father is merciful.” Pardon must be bestowed so generously upon anyone who has hurt us, that it runs over and pours into the folds of one’s own garments. We are expected to bestow twice as much love as the other person showed us…
Read MoreIn the Transfiguration humanity is adopted by God so that we understand more our identity as children of God. The voice of God the father confirms the identity of Christ before his disciples saying, “This is my beloved Son, listen to him.” God the Father preaching the Good News to…
Read MoreCan I Ever Be Perfect? YES. Jesus confirms that perfection is attainable by uttering the command. To believe otherwise, is to suggest that Jesus commands the impossible. Perhaps it helps to look at ‘how’ Jesus defines perfection by looking at the context of today’s Gospel. Let’s summarize: • You shall…
Read MoreSin. Sin results in death. Turning away from sin and occasions of sin. Anger. Saving your life. Forgiveness. Fear of the Lord. Hope. Mercy. Reconciliation. Today’s readings are packed with wisdom and advice for obtaining eternal salvation. “Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked?” says the Lord,…
Read MoreToday’s Gospel reading, in its seeming simplicity, can baffle our modern sensibility. Jesus insists upon the efficacy of prayer, telling us that “everyone who asks receives.” Surely, we say, he doesn’t mean everyone. We all know of prayers in our hearts that seem to have gone unanswered; and we all…
Read More“A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.” Psm 51:17b This refrain from our responsorial psalm was King David’s cry of repentance for his sins of adultery and murder. It is a groan full of remorse, acknowledging his sins against others and his God. Yet it is…
Read MoreToday’s gospel (Mt 6:7-15) presents us with the charge to forgive others their transgressions. It is said that forgiveness is divine because it is seemingly not in the nature of human beings to let go of hurts done to them by others. The normal human instinct would be to retaliate…
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