Daily Reflections
One of the fundamental claims of Christianity is that Jesus is the way to God. It is a truth the contemporary pluralistic society objects with passion. This makes it difficult sometimes to propose a single way. Many modern people do not usually believe that there is only one way, thanks…
Read More“How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good he has done for me?” (Psalm 116) This phrase of Psalm 116 always stands out to me, but it has especially marked me this past year and a half. During this time, I’ve learned that I have…
Read MoreMy dear friends, on this memorial of Saint George, who suffered and died for the gospel, I reflect on the Lord Jesus’ suffering. Jesus suffered, died and rose. He has become a source of inspiration to us in our moments of suffering. Jesus Suffered The Lord Jesus suffered and died…
Read MoreJesus is the bread of life, the Eucharist we celebrate. The priest at my college parish engrained something in my mind that I’ll never forget; if Jesus says something more than once, pay attention. He told us that it was Jesus’ version of a neon sign with flashing lights. In…
Read More“For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life and I shall raise him on the last day.” (Jo 6: 40) The celebration of the mystery of the resurrection of our Lord cannot but make us think…
Read MoreWe continue to celebrate the Easter season, but today’s First Reading reminds us that we must carry our cross until we attain heaven (see Matt. 25:46 CCC 1038). Today, I reflect on love for Jesus and His Church as necessary approach to fraternal correction. There can be no Easter Sunday…
Read MoreBoats scudding across the Sea of Galilee. Our opening scenes in today’s gospel passage Jn 6:22-29, where a veritable sea of humanity plows through the waves with one goal in mind. And when they find him, they pose the first question of the day: Rabbi, when did you get here?…
Read MoreThe Gospel of Luke 24:35-48 presents us Jesus’ visits to the two disciples on the way to Emmaus and their mood before and the during the visit. The disciples were in difficult days mixed with fear, disappointment, doubt and anxiety. Then the Risen One, Christ, presents himself among them. How…
Read MoreIn today’s reading from Acts of the Apostles we see the Apostles dealing with the complaints of the people they are serving. The Hellenists complained that the Hebrews were not treating their widows fairly. Picture their faces (reminds me of the “eyes-rolling” emoji). Considering the big-picture, how much they had…
Read MoreHuman logic is too often the mechanism on which we rely when circumstances or situations arise that challenge us. A problem emerges that seems complicated at best or insurmountable at worst—a conflict with a coworker, a health concern of a family member, a financial hardship, or perhaps a loved one…
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