Daily Reflections
One of the most inspiring parts of Scripture is the statement that with God, nothing is impossible. It means that God can do that which is ordinarily taken to be unachievable. This is why He is called an omnipotent God. We often forget this reality, especially when we are overwhelmed…
Read MoreWritten by Paul Verderber…writing for Kelly Vardakas who was unavailable John writes about Jesus in today’s Gospel as follows…. “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” This sure sounds reasonable and well…
Read MoreMy dear friends, the first reading of today from the book of Numbers 21:4-9 is revealing. It mirrors our behaviour sometimes toward God when we are in a fix. We often forget the goodness of the Lord when life is easy and smooth, only to remember him when life is…
Read MoreWhenever I go to Confession, I write my sins down on the Notes app in my phone. Sometimes, I get too nervous to go off my memory so I have to write them down in order to say them all and give a good Confession. Well, I once heard a…
Read MoreR. (12a) Create a clean heart in me, O God.Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness; in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense.Thoroughly wash me from my guilt and of my sin cleanse me.R. Create a clean heart in me, O God.A clean heart create…
Read MoreGreetings, Gratia Vobis readers. This month we are filling in for Tom Nash with today’s reflection. After reading today’s Gospel from John, I reflected on how we listen and how we respond to what we hear. The high priests and the Pharisees are incredulous over the failure of the guards…
Read MoreIn the silence of the heart, the Lord speaks. When I recently heard these words from a priest, it immediately resonated with me. And while I instinctively knew its truth, I also knew it would be a pearl of peerless price, something difficult to attain. Many and varied would be…
Read MoreThe First Reading of today tells the story of Moses who enters into dialogue with God to “sweeten the face of the Lord”. In doing this, he implements two strategies. Firstly, Moses decisively refuses to receive preferential treatment with respect to a community of which he feels he is a…
Read MoreToday’s readings stir up reminders of God’s eye watching over us, pitying us. It is also St. Patrick’s Day, always a major festivity for Americans with Irish in their bloodline. Or, at least that’s how it is in my family. At the age of sixteen, St. Patrick (389-461) was kidnapped…
Read MoreIt’s a puzzling question: Do you want to be well? In today’s Gospel, a seriously ill man had been lying near the pool of Bethesda for 38 years. His illness caused some kind of paralysis or weakness preventing him from walking. People with all kinds of infirmities were nearby, hoping…
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