Daily Reflections
No, today’s reflection is not advertising for a chiropractic office, or a new age medical spa. In today’s Gospel, I will focus on the healing touch of Jesus, and others, and the miraculous outcomes achieved. Today’s Gospel speaks of Jesus bringing the daughter of the official back to life. This…
Read MoreGreetings Brothers and Sisters, As we head into the celebration of the Independence of the United States and toast those who suffered and toiled for this liberty, let us not forget to celebrate the Church and Our God who sacrificed and toiled for our spiritual liberty. Rejoice Church (Is 66:10-14c)…
Read MoreWe fast to enable a good atmosphere of prayer. Of course, we are talking about spiritual fasting. Some people fast for physical health reasons. Whatever be the reason, fasting as giving up a certain satisfaction for a higher good has great benefits. It is almost impossible to have a healthy…
Read MoreGreed or mercy and generosity? Some people believe that being greedy leads to more success. However, when we look at the bigger picture, mercy and generosity are essential for a healthy society. They create a balance between giving and taking, preventing people from becoming too greedy or too selfish. True…
Read MoreOf all the types of illness we may dread, the fear of paralysis likely ranks high on the list for us. The total inability to act for oneself creates profound needs. Unable to relieve the smallest and most basic of physical needs, the paralytic is dependent upon others. At a…
Read MoreKing Herod’s men attack us, taking James first, and straight away Herod has him beheaded like John the Baptist. Immediately after that he has me arrested; flung into prison. No one can approach me in that dark prison. And there are so many soldiers assigned to me. Why are they…
Read MoreToday’s readings deal with two kinds of fear. The first is the fear that the prophet asserts the people of Israel should have because of their transgressions against the law of God. After all that their God has done for them, the people have not returned to Him but have…
Read MoreParenting has been rated as one of the most demanding jobs ever. The fact that children ask many questions, are full of anxiety, fears, and in need of guidance at all times, makes parenting a 24-hour-a-day job. Seven days a week. 365 days a year. However, for most parents, it…
Read MoreIt’s interesting how the first and second readings today both use the word “yoke”. In the first reading from the Book of Kings, Elisha is plowing with twelve yokes of oxen. Obviously, he comes from a well-to-do family. Elijah went over to him and threw his cloak over Elisha. That…
Read MoreToday the Church celebrates the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which usually occurs on the Saturday of the second week after Pentecost. The celebration, which is marked as a memorial, centers on the maternal heart of Mary, Mother of Christ, and her compassionate love for the world which is portrayed in…
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