Daily Reflections
Today’s Gospel contains perhaps the best-known verse in the Bible: “Judge not, that you may not be judged” (Matt. 7:1). For those not inclined to keep the Ten Commandments, and even less to being reproved for violating them—even if done charitably—this is a go-to verse, an attempt to invoke Jesus…
Read MoreJune is quite the month. On consecutive Sundays, we’ve celebrated the Feasts of Pentecost, Most Holy Trinity and today, the Most Holy Body and Blood. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! At the institution of the Eucharist, Jesus enjoins us: “This is my body that is for you. Do…
Read MoreThe Bible is the book that God has given us to let us know Him, and to let us know how to live. Sometimes, however, it is not always easy for us to understand the lesson. For example, one might ask: Of what relevance is the account of the lives…
Read MoreHundreds, maybe thousands of beautiful and insightful books, homilies, papal addresses, and gospel reflections have been written about the Our Father prayer! The treasures of this prayer are inexhaustible. It is truly the Perfect Prayer. It contains the keys to becoming a Saint! Each line offers a truth so deep,…
Read MoreThe Book of Kings reports the divine punishment that was predicted for Queen Jezebel, for contriving the murder of an innocent man. Elijah declared, “The Lord said, ‘The dogs shall eat Jezebel within the bounds of Jezreel.’” On the other hand, King Ahab wins a reprieve of his sentence, for…
Read MoreAs we meditate on the last chapter of the Gospel according to Mark, the message of Paul VI to Christians comes to my mind. While speaking to some members of Lay Council 48 years ago during the General Audience, Pope Paul VI said: “Contemporary man listens more willingly to witnesses…
Read MoreThe Council of Jerusalem In 50 AD, as documented in the Acts of the Apostles, we learn about the first council of the church. There, at the Council of Jerusalem, the issue presented for consideration was whether circumcision was required of a person to become a disciple of Christ. Proponents…
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