The Mandate of Christ

My dear friends, the readings of today are very inspiring. There is a close connection between the gospel and the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles. The invitation of Christ after his resurrection: ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation,’ is obeyed by the disciples. The same invitation is being extended to everyone today irrespective of gender, race, language, and nationality. No one is excluded. It is an invitation to all.

The Meeting of Jesus and Mary Magdalene

The gospel of Mark today gives account of Jesus’ appearances to his followers after he had risen from the dead. He first appeared to Mary Magdalene – which is not surprising – from whom he had cast out seven demons. Mary Magdalene became a very close friend of Jesus after she was delivered from the seven demons. She developed a genuine love for Christ. You could see that as she prepared spices to visit the Lord at the tomb before she encountered him on the way. Jesus must have decided to meet her first because of her show of love even after his death.

And of course, Jesus must have encountered her and indeed all women, to aid the apostolate of spreading the good news in their own way to all corners and crannies of the world in support of the apostles, while using their special talents and potentialities. Although he did not appoint any woman among his apostles, Jesus appreciates their quality, their sensitivity to matters of importance, and their compassion.

That is part of the reason he appeared to Mary Magdalene, because he knows that she has the ability of reaching out to others and making the good news of his resurrection known to them, especially immediately to the disciples. Although they did not believe her because of their doubts, fears and terrors which were the outcome of the Good Friday event, she wonderfully carried out the mission of Christ.

She, as a person, can be said to stand for all women, signifying their embracive inclusion into the ministry and mission of Christ and his Church. And today, as we can bear witness, women have become a force to reckon with in the missionary activities of the Church. They now work very actively in most parishes behind the scenes to the realization and fulfilment of the invitation of Christ, of making discipleship.

The Meeting of Jesus, Other Disciples, and the Mandate

The second set of people Jesus appeared to after his resurrection, according to Mark, is two of his companions. They came back to inform the other disciples. And still, met the same obstinacy of doubt which Mary Magdalene experienced when she told their colleagues that they have seen the risen Lord. Their doubts, however, were cleared when Jesus appeared to eleven of them. He was hard on them over their doubts and fears. And by so doing, he empowered them with that inner joy and boldness to carry out their evangelical outreach to the world. Hence, he said to them: ‘go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.’

The Fruits of the Mission of the Disciples

Having been rejuvenated by their meeting with the Lord, the disciples took to the streets to preach the risen Lord. We can see in the first reading today, from the Acts of the Apostles. With boldness, they could now face the rulers and elders. God worked miracles through them. And as such, many came to believe in them and in the Risen Lord.

Besides, the healing of the crippled man at the beautiful gate was a big kudos to them. Even though it put them into conflict with the elders, who summoned them and warned them not to keep spreading the good news the Lord had commanded them to carry out. But Peter and John were bold to ask them: ‘whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to them rather than God.’ They made it clear to them that they would not stop speaking of what they have seen and heard.

The rulers used intimidation to follow them. But could not convince them because the power working in them. Evident in their power of speech and the presence of the crippled man they had healed. This was was greater than their intimidations. They moved on with their missionary activities in obedience to the Lord’s command in making discipleship to the whole world.


The invitation of Christ of making disciples has not changed even today. He still sends out his invitation to proclaim the gospel everywhere to us. But the question then is: how do we respond to this invitation? As Christians, we can respond to it by doing ordinary things in an extra ordinary way? By bearing witness with our lives. We can respond to it by volunteering in different aspects of the church’s mission and life. Christ needs you and me. How can we help?

Happy Easter to everyone!

[Readings: Acts 4:13-21; Mk 16:9-15]

Fr. Cyriacus Uzochukwu

Rev Fr Cyriacus Uzochukwu is a priest of the Catholic diocese of Orlu, a former editor of The Forum Newspaper of the diocese and currently the associate pastor of Sacred Heart Church Exeter, Devon, UK.


  1. Deacon Don Mattos on April 23, 2022 at 11:59 am

    Thank you and God bless you Father. I am a deacon in the Diocese of Fresno in California. I have been falsely accused by the priests I have served under along with our Bishop of disobedience to the priests and Bishop. Everything I told them was words I used in today’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles. Exactly!!! I have been stripped of my faculties. It’s been two years now with no documentation from the priests. No communication whatsoever. So thank you again and God bless you for your words. Blessings and God’s peace to you.

    In Christ,
    Deacon Don Mattos

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