Holding On to The Faith

Holding on to the faith and teachings of the Church is becoming increasingly more difficult in today’s world, due to contemporary societal pressure with its emphasis on individualism, moral relativism, and materialism, which is the brainchild of secularism. The secularized, neo-liberalized and pluralistic society promotes values that sometimes conflict with the Christian teachings, thereby evoking doubts and discouragements in the individual person, and this could lead to the gradual erosion of Christian values. This is why the exhortation of St Paul in the first reading is ever important today namely: “Stand firm and hold fast to the teachings handed on to you” (2 Thess 2: 15).

The Example of St. Monica

The story of St. Monica and her influence on the life of St. Augustine provides us with a timeless example of perseverance in prayers and good works. Despite the profound challenges she faced – her husband’s paganism, her son’s embrace of heresy – and the long years of unanswered prayers, Monica never wavered in her faith. Though the waiting seemed endless, she held fast to the teachings of the church and to the promises of God.

Monica’s example is a reminder that holding on is not only about resisting external pressure but about cultivating a deep and personal relationship with God, a relationship rooted in prayer, trust in God’s providence, and His plan for us, as well as in sincere love for neighbor. Her unwavering faith reminds us that the difficulties we face today, though real and daunting, are not insurmountable, and that our faith and perseverance can have impacts on the lives of others. St. Augustine wrote in his Confessions that it was through his mother’s prayers and tears that God brought him back to the faith. That means he could feel her mother’s love and efforts, all the while he was in the world.

The example of St Monica teaches us that sometimes, it takes one person to see and point out what is going wrong and to reset the priorities. That is what Jesus did in the Gospel of today. (Mt, 23, 23-26)

The Present- Day Monicas

As we celebrate St. Monica as a model of Christian perseverance, we are challenged to examine our own level of commitment and conviction, as well as perseverance. Am I willing to hold fast, even when society insinuates that certain beliefs of mine are outdated and irrelevant? Can I remain faithful in prayers, trusting God’s time, knowing that He is at work, even when I do not see the immediate result of my efforts? Do I have the courage to speak out in charity when things are going wrong? May St. Monica intercede for us and help us to hold fast to the Gospel we received, not allow anything to rob us of our assurance, while making little efforts to pass it on.

[Readings: 2 THES 2:1-3A, 14-17; MT 23:23-26]

Fr. John Opara

Fr. John Opara is an associate pastor at St. Johannes Lette Coesfeld, Germany. He has a doctorate degree in Sacred Liturgy and is a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Orlu in Nigeria. Email: [email protected].

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