Be Prepared

There is a children’s group in the United States called the Boy Scouts. I was never a member, but they have a very noble motto. “Be Prepared” they say. Be ready for anything. Mark’s Gospel about the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom to arrive, and the party to start, relates to that motto, for all of us.

Ten Virgins Awaiting

This is the well-known Gospel reading of the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom. They do not know when he will arrive, but they know it will happen. Could be any day, or night, eventually, but they know it will happen. To join the party, they need to be alert and ready with their lamps lit, so they can enter the party with him through a locked gate. Five of them just did the bare minimum, and filled the lamp, had the wick ready, and waited. The other five, the wise ones, not only filled the lamps, but had oil held in reserve.

Late Arrival

After a long delay, the bridegroom arrives, and it is time to let the lamps shine. After the long delay, the wise virgins refill their lamps and are ready to go. They used up all their reserves of oil. The other five have no such refill option, and none of them has any reserve oil. Their only option is to run out into the darkness in a mad panic, to find more oil, but the timing could not be worse. They need oil, and lit lamps…NOW!

Barred Door

The five wise virgins are escorted into the party, and much later, the five unwise return, perhaps a bit frazzled and tired, but have their lamps ready. However, it is too late. The party started, the train has left the station, the ship has left port, the elevator has already gone up, and the rocket has lifted off. As they miss the opportunity to join, the doorman says to the 5 unwise Virgins, “I don’t know you”, and the door shuts for good.

Lessons Learned

This story mimicking entrance to Heaven with lamps offers some lessons to be learned, and reflected upon, even today.

1. We do not know when we will die, but we know we will eventually.

2. We know that we need love of Jesus, lots of Faith, lots of good choices in life driven by the Ten Commandments, and spiritual support from the Communion of Saints. These are our “lamps.”

3. We may not need a lamp, a wick, and oil, but the items in section 2 all work together to get the desired effect. Lamps give light when they have all the components working together. Our Faith lives are strong when we have all pieces working together.

4. Heaven exists and it is open for business, but not everyone is going to get there. In the Gospel today, the entrance rate is about 50%. All ten knew how to do it, but poor decisions near the end ruined the grand finale. Defeat was grabbed from the jaws of victory.

5. It is up to us, as individuals, to be ready when our time is up.

6. We know the rules, so Be Prepared!

[Readings: 1 Cor 1:17-25; Mt 25:1-13]

Paul Verderber

Paul Verderber is a husband, father of two daughters, religious education teacher, fruit and vegetable ingredients salesman, and President of Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc. He holds both Bachelors and Masters degrees in Chemical Engineering, as well as a Masters in Business. He lives outside of Raleigh, North Carolina and is the President of Gratia Vobis Ministries. [email protected]

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