Daily Reflections
“In the evening of life, we will be judged by love alone.” – St. John of the Cross This quote distills the ultimate mission given to us by Christ. Because of His great love for us,He sacrificed His life on the cross to save us. What wondrous love is this!…
Read MoreDear brothers and sisters, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it”(Psalm 118:24). The Dogma of Assumption The Church teaches that “when the course of her earthly life was finished, the ImmaculateVirgin Mary was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory,…
Read MoreWe often find ourselves impressed by numbers, especially within the church. We measure successby how many people attend Mass or participate in various ministries and events. But Jesus has adifferent perspective. He was not concerned with numbers; he valued the individual. In yesterday’sgospel, He spoke of the shepherd who left…
Read MoreIn the dramatic and mysterious vision described in Ezekiel 1:4-28, the prophet Ezekiel isconfronted with a theophany—a Mystical experience of God’s presence that defies ourcomplete human understanding.The vision is filled with vivid imagery: a stormy north wind, a great cloud with a ragingamber fire, and four living winged creatures with…
Read MoreFrom time to time, life presents us with different forms of “deserts”, which can represent difficultand empty times we find ourselves in. There are deserts we face because life forces us to, andothers we enter by ourselves. These metaphorical deserts symbolize moments when we feeloverwhelmed and wish to disappear, often…
Read MoreDo you cling to life? I remember a night many years ago in college, when sitting at my desk and lost in thought, I saw my hands before me suddenly aged in appearance. The veins stood out like spiderwebs on my hands, and as I stared at them the reality…
Read MoreAs we go through life, we all have wins and losses, and we all have gains and setbacks. Some are big,some are small, but we all experience them. What can make a difference in the big picture is whichaspects of life we are winning, and which we are losing. Today’s…
Read MoreIn the Igbo, Nigerian culture, begetting a male child is of utmost importance to the father ofthe house. This is because male children inherit the family-name and are successors of thefamily tradition and legacy. Although this perception of a male child often has a negativeconsequence on the appreciation of a…
Read MoreSince apostolic times, Christians have observed Friday as a day of penance in commemoration of thePassion of Our Lord. Also hailing from the Apostolic Age is the practice of fasting on Wednesday inreparation for the betrayal of Judas, as this was the day on which he agreed to turn Jesus…
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