Daily Reflections
2023 has been a year in which I have encountered, more closely than ever in my life, death. In January, my grandfather died, and this very week, my grandmother died. Death is a thing strange to humans. And despite the fact that everyone on Earth is doomed to die, it…
Read MoreI would not appreciate being remembered for my greatest weakness; however, that is how we have come to identify Doubting Thomas. I remember about 3 years ago being on my annual retreat and meditating on today’s Gospel passage. I remember thinking at the time something along these lines… This doesn’t…
Read MoreOur Lord has Risen The Joy of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ is in the air. The euphoria is palpable. The Jews thought Jesus Christ’s passion and death would be the end of Him and His mission. But to the glory of God, it did not go as…
Read MoreA night of futile fishing leaves empty nets and empty hearts. Jesus takes the initiative and meets them in the early morning light. He invites them to eat: ‘Breakfast is ready!’ There is an abundant table ready – of fish, food, love, warmth, and great joy. Here, fractured relationships are…
Read MoreActs of the Apostles chapter 3 starts with the encounter between Peter, John, and a disabled man. This encounter changed the life and the identity of this man. He moved from being identified as a beggar at the temple portico to being a man capable of standing and walking. His…
Read MoreMy query: Give me a Catholic Reflection on Luke 24:13-35 Jesus on the Road to Emmaus. Chat GPT, an Artificial Intelligence bot, replied with the following: Answer: Luke 24:13-35 tells the story of Jesus appearing to two disciples on the road to Emmaus after his resurrection. The disciples were saddened…
Read MoreToday’s readings are full of valuable lessons, warnings, and instructions. Many of the issues faced in the first century and even before are the same things we battle today. “Save yourself from this corrupt generation.” This line stuck out to me in the first reading. It’s interesting that thousands of…
Read MoreChrist is risen, alleluia! Several years ago, when I was coming into the faith, my mother happened to ask me what Easter meant. As a Hindu, she had never considered it before. I told her that it marked the day on which Jesus rose from the dead. She stared back…
Read MoreThe Greek Fathers describe the “process of temptation” in the Philokalia in stages. 1. Provocation, the initial incitement to evil, followed by stages of assent – 2. a Momentary disturbance of the intellect; 3. Communion, in which the mind pleasurably communes with the idea, without yet acting on it; and,…
Read MoreWe come to Holy Saturday, and it is a grand day for the new recruits joining our Church, and we need more and more of them. Also, we know that it is one of the longest Masses of the year, and a lot of ground gets covered. Perhaps too much…
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